To Heat, or Not to Heat, That is the Question

IMO it's kind of a perfect (crappy) storm. The supply chain is wounded and consumers have a lot of money (much from Uncle Sam) and also there is a lot of pent up demand, people want to spend after being cooped up with covid. Wages are rising faster than they have in a long time which is also creating more demand.

Your solution (R-word) will certainly help the inflation issue, and do it more quickly, by reducing demand for housing and everything associated with it. Lumber, furniture, everything you buy when you buy a new house.

Camp, how many people (what %) finance a new car or used car? I assume those rates have jumped too. Is it impacting sales?
What is the average markup above MSRP now? Seems like you used to be able to get a car for maybe $1000 below it.
What is the average markup above MSRP now? Seems like you used to be able to get a car for maybe $1000 below it.
I don't know as we don't markup over MSRP
Pre Covid everything was being sold tight to invoice. It will be a long time before those days return, if at all.
When the big Swiss bank is teeterin it might tells ya somethin.

This ^^^^^

So IMHO for too damn long money was being willfully devalued in order to allow too effin much debt load to be incurred so that financially undisciplined peeps could spend well beyond their means in crass commercialism , acquiring lots of stuff that in the end neither impresses anyone nor adds value .

Frankly this is Stupid monetary policy to allow hyper low low interest rates AND HIGH debt to salary ratios and thus creating this current AND predicable effing financial house of cards .

Personally we were WELL shielded against this nonsense and are still showing real dollar growth ergo real NW over the past eight and half months . Have at it
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This ^^^^^

So IMHO for too damn long money was being willfully devalued in order to allow too effin much debt load to be incurred so that financially undisciplined peeps could spend well beyond their means in crass commercialism , acquiring lots of stuff that in the end neither impresses anyone nor adds value .

Frankly this is Stupid monetary policy to allow hyper low low interest rates AND HIGH debt to salary ratios and thus creating this current AND predicable effing financial house of cards .

Personally we were WELL shielded against this nonsense and are still showing real dollar growth ergo real NW over the past eight and half months . Have at it
If you want to live in a free country, you have to accept the fact that people are going to make choices you don't agree with.

Regarding low interest rates, yea that is the Fed, and they should probably be an exception to the "it's a free country" rule. (Collectively) we count on the fed for discipline, even if we whine like babies when they do the right thing. You certainly can't expect politicians who are in office to lobby for higher interest rates.

I can't comment on your specific net worth situation, because I have no idea what you're invested in, or how much non-investment income you have. Any mix of stocks and bonds is, on paper, down in the last 8 months. So you are either invested in something else, or you have enough income to overcome portfolio losses.