The "Why isn't there a Cat Thread"? Thread

This is "The Teefster " a 22 lb Norwegian Forest Cat who thought he was a dog . He "found us " stupid ass that i am i thought HE was SHE and initially called HER Queen Latifah ya know big , n sassy ....well took QL to the vet he laffed his ass off said uh ya better call him KING ?, so i shortened it to " The Teefster" he was an awesome boy , smart as hell

Ha, good story and a similar thing happened to us. We found our last cat, Keller, under a cabin we used to own. Yelled for days before we caught him and Blue Toes was convinced that it was a female in heat. After we captured him, with the dog's assistance (that is another story), BT examined the little guy and could find no "fuzzballs." So that, the yelling, and the small stature had us convinced that we had a young female. When we dropped "her" off at the vet for spaying, we soon get a phone call informing us that he needed a different operation, since it turned out he had undescended testicles! Not much of a cost saving.

RIP Keller.jpg
Lilly likes hanging on my laptop, because it's warm. She butt dialed an instagram post one time.

She's a pretty cool cat, I guess. She loves being petted, not aloof at all.

lilly - 1.jpg
Harv : its the primordial CAT n Window thing , they relish looking out at their hunting grounds ?? and planning what their next " kill" will be. They are HUNTERS . Don't let the good ole lap sit thing fool ya ?.

Cats are " users " ...great pets but the difference between cats n dogs is STARK . Dogs have Owners , Cats have Servants
We got Bleu when he was already 2 years old. No name changing at that point!
Meet Tony. Tony is one tough bastard and the definition of a barn cat.View attachment 4920

We have got one mean sumbitch in the hood too," Felix the Psycho cat " little guy orange tiger .

He rolls on the ground and seems harmless but try and touch him and goes all "Jeffrey Dahmer"
And growls and snaps at you .
LMAO! Tony will growl too. Wicked hunter as well. Those baby rabbits not that long ago didn't stand a chance.


That’s Charlie. He’s got owners in the townhomes in our development, but Charlie spends most of his time outdoors in our neighborhood.

Charlie came by for a good long visit this evening. We saw him scoping out our woods so we went out to say hi! Charlie is very friendly.

After a quick hello Charlie returned his focus to the woods. We watched him go into stalk mode and then disappear into the brush. He popped out a moment later and brought a gift to us, laying a mouse in the grass before us. Mouse was probably two inches give or take, not including the tail. After rolling around on our stoop and being pet a few more time (Charlie was strutting, proud of his kill) he proceeded to play with his lifeless prey for a few minutes, then he put it on the steps before us.

I guess he wanted to give us one more look before.......well, next thing Charlie picks up the lifeless mouse and takes it about 10 feet from us and, with his back to us, proceeds to chow down. Took him a few minutes, but he downed that sucker in essentially two bites, bones and all, just crunching away.

I’m not gonna lie, letting Charlie rub up against us after that was a little disconcerting, but that’s what Charlie did next, alternating between our car roof for some cleaning and our laps for some petting.

Charlie is the coolest cat I’ve ever met.