The Ugh Thread

Well it's started out bad and then got worse: Heart rate still up found out today I have to have a cardiac inversion and to make matters worse The Queen of The Hop fell down the back porch stairs yesterday which were still slippery from this damn blizzard and storm last nite and broke some ribs .This has been one shitty period
Take it easy Warp
Thanks all,but the bad luck continued ,had Rescue Squad here 5am she had a nasty reaction to Percocet ( only took one pill )which was prescribed for the fracture,took one pill and it resulted in multiple bad impacts .

Got her to hospital at 9 for additional x-rays and ultrasounds. Got her back home now on OTC Motrin till we hear later on test and x-rays

Meanwhile still snowing up here making footing for her a challenge
i have broken ribs multi time MTB... there is nothing you can's a brutal 6 weeks...and pain killers are the worst..
hope both ya feel better
Thanks Jason I'll tell her ,she is in pretty great shape for age and trim and never lets shit get to her so it shook me a bit to see her trembling in pain early this am
oh man warp,+++vibes and prayers to you and the queen
That is some bad luck. Do you have anybody checking in? Kids maybe?
Yes FaceTime daily they are in Boston and Manhattan my son JB is a medical pro and is also in tune with our doc .

I have wonderful neighbors who clear our driveway and walks and when I go for my inversion they can get me there and back IF The Queen is unable to drive .

So we are blessed in that regard
Better and longer days are ahead Warp.

Got some nice grub from the Golfing Club Christmas Eve after the furnace gas valve shit the bed the night before. All fixed and toasty by the time folks came over to eat.

I now know I can keep the joint warm in double digit below zero wind chill temps with a few electric heaters if ya count 58 warm.