The Ugh Thread

Oh yeah, that’s el stinko. I was being followed by a cop once so I was careful to go exactly the speed limit. When the speed zone changed and I sped up he pulled me over. Found out the hard way the speed zone changes at the sign not when you see it.
Found out the hard way the speed zone changes at the sign not when you see it.

By the time she pulled over, the 45 MPH sign was right there in the headlights laughing at her.
Zelda nailed for 45 in a 25, in the sneakest speed trap in the state. 4 points, $200, and probably $600-800 a year for three years on insurance. Everybody in town knows you don't speed there, maybe 28 tops, but it's really easy to screw up there. It's 25 all the way through town, you get out of town, it opens way up, but you have another 200 yards where it remains 25 before turning 45. Sucks.
Fight it - get it down to 2.
Too late she just paid it.

How do you fight it?
Too late she just paid it.

How do you fight it?
Go to court, talk to the officer, say that you would like a 2point or zero points like failure to wear a seat belt, if he agrees, tell the prosecuter you have a deal, say it in front of the judge and pay the fine and court costs, voila, no points or 2 points.

Not sure about your insurance worries, either. You might need to accumulate 6 points before they bang you out.
Two points would save us a lot. I assume not an option now that we paid it?
She paid online.
She paid online.
Too bad.
"Point Violation Surcharge: If you accumulate six or more points within three years from your last posted violation, you will receive a $150 surcharge plus $25 for each additional point over six. A surcharge based on accumulated points can result in you being surcharged annually for three years."

Unless Z has other points, you should not be charged an insurance surcharge.
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Sweet thanks. She's got nothing for points. I can live with the F'ing fine I guess.