The Ugh Thread

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^^Shit bums me out. This happened to us maybe five years ago I posted in the old forum. It was some cop hate that time.

I got a single edged razor and cleaned up the door so the staff won't be quite so taken aback in the am.

Can probably power wash the steps but those side panel are limestone and they'll probably need a mason and/or muratic acid.

Cops came he was very cool. He suggested we look in the nearby public garbage can and there it was. He's going to dust it for prints. Probably not likely that the 14 year old who did it has a record, yet.

Officer was funny, "we'll dust it and if we get something, it will come up as a match when he knocks over a liquor store in 5 years."
Damn vandals, don’t use muratic acid on limestone it’ll do the wicked witch of the north “steamy meltdown seen”
The mason will know what he is doing.
Did some testing with the power washer this am.

Paint comes right off the red brick (sidewalk).

Requires quite a bit more effort on the concrete.

As mentioned going to leave the limestone to the mason.

3 hrs of power wash later