The Ugh Thread

Bomb called in at our school.

We live like ten minutes from the school, but the evac was disorganized (ok with me) so all the kids are on random busses heading home, not on their regular routes. Our daughter is texting us been on the bus for over two hours.

That's all I know. School saying nothing at this point. All hearsay from the kids texting.

ETA: Edited the above. Seeing news reports calling it a "non-credible" threat. Sorry to overreact, if i did.
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That’s scary. Wait til the real story gets nailed down before you freak out though. We had an early dismissal based on a supposed threat a few years back. Turned out to be nothing. It’s good that they’re watching and taking things seriously though.

My high school had a Molotov cocktail thrown through the office window when I was a sophomore or Junior. Didn’t even get one day off from it.
Just saw your post. Starting to look like you are right. I don't have too much confidence in a teenagers ability to build a working bomb.
Bomb called in at our school.

We live like ten minutes from the school, but the evac was disorganized (ok with me) so all the kids are on random busses heading home, not on their regular routes. Our daughter is texting us been on the bus for over two hours.

That's all I know. School saying nothing at this point. All hearsay from the kids texting.

ETA: Edited the above. Seeing news reports calling it a "non-credible" threat. Sorry to overreact, if i did.
Dang! That's some scary stuff. Thankfully it turned out the way it did.
IDK.... if something like that had happened at my kid's school, I would have wigged out.

One year the police department was soliciting high school students to volunteer for an active shooter drill. Some victims, some survivors. I was like, NO F'N WAY.
Still don't have the full story but it SEEMS like someone saw the "bomb" and pistol on social media with a note from the student outlining his plan to cause death.

IF TRUE Good to report it, understandable that it became a runaway rumor train.

Certainly getting the kids out of the building was the right move.
Still don't have the full story but it SEEMS like someone saw the "bomb" and pistol on social media with a note from the student outlining his plan to cause death.

IF TRUE Good to report it, understandable that it became a runaway rumor train.

Certainly getting the kids out of the building was the right move.
Sounds like someone had a big test they didn't study for. Good it turned out the way it did.
Apparently my daughter knows the kid and he has a really difficult life at home. He's been in trouble in one way or another going back a few years. The way my wife explained it, he probably shouldn't be "mainstreamed," he should be in some kind of program with constant supervision.

Lots of self congratulatory email from the school, but no facts yet.
Zelda nailed for 45 in a 25, in the sneakest speed trap in the state. 4 points, $200, and probably $600-800 a year for three years on insurance. Everybody in town knows you don't speed there, maybe 28 tops, but it's really easy to screw up there. It's 25 all the way through town, you get out of town, it opens way up, but you have another 200 yards where it remains 25 before turning 45. Sucks.