The Ugh Thread

The last speeding ticket I got was in the mid-00s on Route 28 in the Catskills.
Me as well, on the way to Platty with my son. I didn't fight it though. For whatever reason they sent the insurance surcharge invoice to one my rental property addresses so as far as I was concerned I never received it :rolleyes:
Hopefully there a statute of limitations on that shit if I ever get pulled over again...
Just another piece of (probably bad) advice. When you send back your ticket with the not guilty plea…..I never check the box requesting a supporting deposition from the officer. For a garden variety traffic ticket it doesn’t seem like much good can come from forcing the officer to document every detail, which might complicate things for the DA you meet with.
IF you request a deposition and the cop neglects it, you are off the hook. Once everyone figured that out, the cops started issuing depositions along with the ticket, right from their patrol car.

Once upon a time in NY you did actually meet with the officer who gave you the ticket to try and negotiate a lesser charge. The good thing at that time was that if the officer didn’t show up your ticket got thrown out. That was incentive enough to always plead not guilty. Taking that process out of play and running things thru a DA who has to be there seems more effective for a parties.
The officer still needs to appear for a trial if you don't accept a plea deal. In small towns with only a Justice of the Peace, the cop still has to attend your court date because there's no ADA. I had a buddy who was a JP, and he scheduled traffic court to maximize trooper overtime, which was on the State budget, not the village, and his wife baked cookies for them too. The State probably paid as much in OT as the village collected in fines.
Defensive Driving courses are another part of the scam. In one course I took, the guy opened with that he was qualified because he had been a JP who had hundreds of speeding cases in some dinky town that had 100 yards on the Thruway. Right away I figured he owed me about $900 from back when you might actually be convicted of speeding. Then he went into how you should ALWAYS drive in the left hand line on the interstate, but NEVER exceed the speed limit, and drive 5 under at night or if it was raining, 10 under of it was raining at night. I had to sit through it because a judge had ordered it, but it was really the anger management course I took the day before that saved me that day.
A big problem up there is knowing what the speed limit actually is. I always leave the nav running on my phone on rt 28 even though I know the way. That way I know what the limit is even if I haven't seen a sign in a while
A big problem up there is knowing what the speed limit actually is. I always leave the nav running on my phone on rt 28 even though I know the way. That way I know what the limit is even if I haven't seen a sign in a while
The Subaru shows speed limit as an icon on the “odometer”.
It’s been incorrect a couple times for some reason/places and don’t know if it would hold up in court.
The Subaru shows speed limit as an icon on the “odometer”.
It’s been incorrect a couple times for some reason/places and don’t know if it would hold up in court.
My car shows the limit to. it does it with a camera. Going into highland the speed limit is 30 and someone change it to 80. My car shows 80 mph limit.
2 Subies ago my dad came in just-a- bitchin up a storm telling me "something is wrong with this damn car", "it's randomly beeping at me and I can't deal with it". Long story short, it turned out to be the speed warning function on his Nav. We laughed like crazy....still do. You have 2 choices, dad. Turn that function off or go the speed limited. We turned it off.
2 Subies ago my dad came in just-a- bitchin up a storm telling me "something is wrong with this damn car", "it's randomly beeping at me and I can't deal with it". Long story short, it turned out to be the speed warning function on his Nav. We laughed like crazy....still do. You have 2 choices, dad. Turn that function off or go the speed limited. We turned it off.
The 9-3 convertible we have has that nonsense. After it somehow got on, turning the speed warning off proved to be a bit of a pain.
My car shows the limit too. it does it with a camera. Going into highland the speed limit is 30 and someone change it to 80. My car shows 80 mph limit.
On the trip to Cuse yesterday I checked the "speed limit” icon on the car to see how accurate the device was.
On 4 lane highways it was correct.
Other roads it was incorrect at least as often as it was correct.

In self driving cars does the car get the ticket or do you?
"Honest officer, I didn’t do anything. I was just sitting there minding my own business."
Two teachers at Peanut’s daycare tested positive for COVID. Looks like we might have ourselves a quarantine Thanksgiving.