The New Normal

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Just out of curiosity, how do you "understand where they're coming from" by refusing to get vaccinated?
Not speaking for Scotty, but I understand it too. I have several close friends who haven't gotten vaxed yet. It's a personal choice.
What I don't understand is people who will walk right by multiple signs saying masks required without a mask. I've run into this several times, mainly from the Amish. I find that very disrespectful to the business owner who is trying to run his business during a pandemic.
Canada's issue is they simply don't have any vaccine. Like most drugs, they rely on us to supply them with what they need, and the US hasn't been sharing COVID vaccines with them yet. I have family in Toronto.

This hadn't occurred to me thanks for pointing it out. I'm guessing that is the issue in India too. Plus their population is huge.

The way I understand it, the US taxpayer played a significant role in the speed of vax development by guaranteeing the cost and reducing the risk for big pharma so I get that we would be first in line for it. But asap we've got to be all in on getting the rest of the world vaxxed.

I read an article yesterday that said that there is a lot of vax resistance in Texas, so the vaccine availability is high. Mexicans and other Central Americans, affluent mostly and some middle class, are traveling to Texas and showing up a clinics and getting shots. Those that can afford it are staying a month to get their second shot. I didn't know that you could just travel to do it.
Not speaking for Scotty, but I understand it too.

I get it too. It's one of the reasons I was ok "waiting my turn." I knew I would get it, I feel it's my patriotic duty, and I also have a hard time going against my doctors strong recommendations. But I also thought a few extra months to let 100 million go before me was ok. I know a lot of people who were on eight or ten lists trying, or working the system in other ways, to get it asap. I've got high BP and could probably have used that to get vaxxed sooner.
Well my wife did a bunch of research on the vaccine and her TJN issue . It seems that a high number of people who suffer from her disease have large flare ups and they are ongoing . She works at home and is electing for now not to get the vaccine.
Canada's issue is they simply don't have any vaccine. Like most drugs, they rely on us to supply them with what they need, and the US hasn't been sharing COVID vaccines with them yet. I have family in Toronto.
I understand the delay in vaccinations in Canada. That's the issue in Australia as well since they are relying mostly on A-Z.

What I'm more surprised at for Canada is the sharp increase in detected cases in the last month or two. After all, W-B was forced to shut down early. But then the same is happening in many European countries.
We have a guy here at work who had covid about a month ago. Did his quarantine and all that. Last week he felt very weak and dizzy. He ended up in the ICU, can't walk, talk without stuttering, or even feed himself due to his shaking. Still like that today and he's heading to rehab. Doc's say it's all due to having covid. Scary shit.
Last week he felt very weak and dizzy. He ended up in the ICU, can't walk, talk without stuttering, or even feed himself due to his shaking. Still like that today and he's heading to rehab. Doc's say it's all due to having covid. Scary shit.
Covid-19 is neurological as much or more than is respiratory. Long haulers more so.
Covid-19 is neurological as much or more than is respiratory. Long haulers more so.
By the Fall 2020, it was pretty well recognized by medical researchers that COVID-19 was not a respiratory disease but instead involved the vascular system. Cardiovascular issues, neurological, and vascular issues in the feet and legs are all possible. It's a really weird disease.

I feel like my memory is problematic. I am all about lists now. Lists with checks √ at work.

I can remember my best ski days though :)
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