The New Normal

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That's crazy. I honestly can't imagine feeling that way for 3 day's, that's brutal. My reaction from the shot was monumentally worse than when I had covid. I felt like I had a head cold when I had covid, that's it.
This thing is so weird how it affects everyone so differently.

It doesn't make sense (to me) that someone who had it would have a worse reaction to the vax, but I have been hearing some stories that back that up.
Everyones immune system is different.
It’s why transplanted parts are watched for rejection even from close relatives.
It’s related to how yer born, your age, your gene’s, what ya’ve been exposed to and whatcha eat. Quite a mix of conditions.
Met a doctor at Gore today and he told us that his experience was that esome of the worst reactions to the vaccine are among people who were previously infected. I don't know enough about to even question him.

A doctor told me that anti bodies react to the vaccine as they would to the virus and the bad reaction is most likely due to that. Essentially the anti bodies and the vaccine are having a little battle inside of you. He was a basic MD, though, not a specialist so I’m not sure that’s a high level explanation. It’s also possible he was dumbing it down for my little brain of course.
Oh..can't wait for this. I don't want to get one but the side effects can't be worse than the harassment from my wife if I don't get it...I told her if I die from least I tried..under duress..but I tried.
Pausing is normal during the early phases of a vaccine rollout. Happens during an active clinical trial too. Essentially the research into safety issues (side effects) is on-going once a vaccine or drug is approved for use in the general public. Warnings about side effects are updated as needed.

Having the eyes of the world on a new vaccine is not normal.
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