The New Normal

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I've read the odds of a second infection seem low for some period of time.
I've read first-hand reports of people testing positive for a few months after recovering from COVID-19. Meaning people who no longer have any symptoms but get tested for other reasons such as for work. It's also possible to have a second bout that involves symptoms that are different from the first infection. But that's relatively rare.
I had to ask a customer to put on a mask. He goes, what are you, brainwashed? This customer is always right thing is outta control.

Isn't it crazy

I read a comment that I really liked, can't remember who said it, maybe Chris Rock??? Anyway, it was said that we should do away with mask requirements that way we can tell who the stupid F'rs are right away. LOL
Ripitz, Nice! Neighbor put up some greenhouses recently and started up a roadside veggie selling stand too.
The vid is everywhere round here.

I’m just doing my own thing and trying to keep contact with others down. My job makes that pretty easy.

we are finally getting cycled down here and this weekend is looking good. While I’m excited to ski some pow I have mixed feelings about dealing with the ski area on busy weekends.
I've read first-hand reports of people testing positive for a few months after recovering from COVID-19... It's also possible to have a second bout that involves symptoms that are different from the first infection. But that's relatively rare.
The WHO just came out with some “news” telling folk ya can get false positives if ya run the PCR cycler too many cycles.
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