The New Normal

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I missed this one sno. Do you really think the two examples are equal? She seems to briefly heckle her elected official’s photo op. Didn’t seem too disruptive to the public.
It goes back to my previous statement about how respect goes both ways. You don't seem to understand that. It's not enough for you to simply wear a mask. You want to mandate it for everyone.

Also, fyi EVERYONE ELSE seems to be trying to leave politics out of this as best as we can, out of respect to Harv’s sensitivities, after he was putting people in the penalty box. Yet you continue ranting about mandates and blue states. Maybe you should read the room?
Blue states are the ones either with or threatening unnecessary and damaging covid mandates, while red states have moved on. I'm trying to point out the differences, and show that normalcy is possible. Not new normal, or normal*, but normal, as in the same way we lived in 2019.

Grow up ,it is NOT about you . Public Health is not about your "privileged " needs .
You want to force others to fundamentally change how they live to conform to your risk tolerance, so I wouldn't point fingers. It's not all about you.
It goes back to my previous statement about how respect goes both ways. You don't seem to understand that. It's not enough for you to simply wear a mask. You want to mandate it for everyone.

Blue states are the ones either with or threatening unnecessary and damaging covid mandates, while red states have moved on. I'm trying to point out the differences, and show that normalcy is possible. Not new normal, or normal*, but normal, as in the same way we lived in 2019.

You want to force others to fundamentally change how they live to conform to your risk tolerance, so I wouldn't point fingers. It's not all about you.
No I would highly recommend that YOU realize that the world neither revolves around your narrow points of view and frankly immature persona.

Frankly you seem oblivious to the fact that you are only broadcasting both of those characteristics every time you opine on trivialities that seem to dominate your very very small world as if they mattered to others. .☑️
B Ski : There are no participation trophies in Life.

Truth matters ,facts matter. I am not running for office .Life is tough and Public Health is a serious concern with little place for pedantic nonsense or an entitled sense of privilege.
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B Ski : There are no participation trophies in Life.

Truth matters ,facts matter. I am not running for office .Life is tough and Public Health is a serious concern with little place for pedantic nonsense .
I commend you for resisting the urge to capitalize
You want to mandate it for everyone.

I didn't hear witchy say this. Did I miss it?

Blue states are the ones either with or threatening unnecessary and damaging covid mandates, while red states have moved on.

On the face of it this is somewhat political, so cut it out. Also I feel it's not true. I'll admit I'm barely paying attention.

It's not all about you.

Before the vaccine, I agreed with Warp. Now I think this is more legit. With a vaccine, it is MORE about personal choice, but maybe not completely. IMO if you can't get vaxxed, it's on you now to stay out of circulation. You can say sno is whining, but there are emotional/mental costs to rules too.

Flame away.
. IMO if you can't get vaxxed, it's on you now to stay out of circulation..
Wouldn’t it be better if we took some more steps to eradicate the virus (more mandates? masking during appropriate times - not now) so that immunocompromised people (or people with children under 5) could participate in society?
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