The New Normal

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Then no one is stuck on the lift or in line, and security doesn't have to tackle him. It's the same reason that police sometimes call off pursuits.
Police call off pursuits when there is a danger to the public, not “inconvenience” to the public. People having to sit in line or on a chair while daddy throws his tantrum is a false equivalence.
Yeah, you really have to watch the video to see what a whining baby the guy turns into.

He knew the rules before he got to the mountain. He just chose to be a huge baby about it after he arrived.

If people want to defend him acting like a crying toddler, then I’m going to assume that they support people acting like crying toddlers when they don’t get their way.
Yeah, you really have to watch the video to see what a whining baby the guy turns into.

He knew the rules before he got to the mountain. He just chose to be a huge baby about it after he arrived.

If people want to defend him acting like a crying toddler, then I’m going to assume that they support people acting like crying toddlers when they don’t get their way.
That's how some adults act that when growing up their mommy told them they were special. Somehow this got interpreted as entitled.

I was taught and consequently taught my kids, it's OK to question but when your the guest the host sets the rules. If you don't like it don't go.
What a dope. This guy is clearly in the wrong. Not only is it the law in Canada to mask up while on the ski lift, he is on private property, whose owner puts their business at risk if they allow mask-less people on the lift. They could be shut down.

The law in Canada is to mask up while on the lift. If you don't like it, stay home, and shut it up.

HEY ANTI VAXER AND MASKERS: Covid IS still dangerous to many many people. MAYBE not you, but there are still people in my local hospital dying of Covid. Mostly they are high risk patients who can't help it and non-vaccinated IDIOTS like yourself. If you are an anti-vaxxer/masker, you need to consider that you are putting others at risk. The virus will be using your sorry body to mutate and spread. I don't want to hear you anymore. Get over it. Get vaccinated and shut your trap about masking up. Otherwise you may be that guy in the blue coat with the snowboard.
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I know, you guys are a bunch of conformists who will do whatever you're told. Anyone who attempts to push back against dumb covid rules is a "crying toddler". I mean that's what you've called me multiple times. I don't understand this mentality that when covid is involved, we must never question anything and give absolute power to neurotic public health officials. I reject that. Now there are better ways to handle it than this guy did, but I think if you don't push back at all, you'll never be allowed to live normally again.
To me it's like "no shoes, no shirt, no service." Nobody really whines about that.

I defense of the security, probably not something they were expecting or used to.
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