The New Normal

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These numbers are coming from the surveillance testing sites, not testing for cause.
Routine testing on college campuses are going to be very useful in the next few months. Only going to be required for unvaccinated folks, although it would actually be a good idea to be sampling vaccinated people too get try to detect asymptomatic breakthrough cases.
See also FDA's press release yesterday.
The sentence just above "related information”.
"The approval was granted to BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH."
It's a bit funny to see that the way to pronounce Comirnaty in the press release.

"Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.
. . ."

I wonder how many parents of young teens who are vaccine hesitant will figure out that the full approval doesn't include ages 12-15 yet. I would think it won't take long to get full approval for them too. Perhaps waiting for a bit more time to collect safety data given that the younger age group wasn't enrolled until a few months after the start of the 16+ Phase 3 clinical trial.
Can ya say Comirnaty?
Folks make big $ thinkin of those weird names.
If they got to make a new mRNA vax for a new mutant strain, they’ll have to come up with another new name for it.
Jab job security.
This has yet to be peer reviewed but...
Interesting. I'm seeing more and more articles where journalists/doctors/etc are starting to hedge their bet on the so-called vaccines. ( for example) There's always people who see things early in the game - they are often called kooks and ridiculed. At some point the evidence hits a tipping point and then a fight ensues as to who can get out in front of the news first. Not sure if we are there quite yet but we seem to be getting close.
Interesting. I'm seeing more and more articles where journalists/doctors/etc are starting to hedge their bet on the so-called vaccines. ( for example) There's always people who see things early in the game - they are often called kooks and ridiculed. At some point the evidence hits a tipping point and then a fight ensues as to who can get out in front of the news first. Not sure if we are there quite yet but we seem to be getting close.
I'm vaccinated and I'm not confused. I forget the exact wording in the second paragraph it states the vaccine in having powerful positive effect. So there's that. It's approved to be safe. That's good too. You ready my friend to help the rest of us?
I’m the first guy to say that everybody‘s entitled to their own POV and that we should never get locked in to one way of looking at things, that we should always be on the lookout for confirmation bias and group think but that article actually says in it:

“All that said, some facts are well established at this point. Vaccinated people infected with the virus are much less likely to need to go to the hospital, much less likely to need intubation and much less likely to die from the illness. There’s no doubt that vaccines provide significant protection.”

Did you not read the whole thing or what?
Quite honestly, I haven't read the last few posts. Things have been a bit chaotic with the start of the semester. But... Driving home tonight, I was thinking about the long term way out of this pandemic. It seems to me that until young children are approved for the vaccine and get the vaccine and whatever boosters are required, the pandemic is sticking around. Kind of like the other vaccines kids get. I am 56. It would be nice if this were over before I retire.

The worry is essentially created by the unvaccinated. The Delta variant is a result of a huge population of unvaccinated in India.

Without higher vaccination rates, IMO it's logical to expect more variants that will be less responsive to current vaccine. Come to think of it, the unvaccinated are the ticket to ride for big pharma. As long as 20-30 percent resist, Pharma will be printing money.

Imagine having a product where most of the world wants it, and the government believes it is essential, so the end user doesn't have to actually pay for it. And to keep the whole thing cooking forever all you need is a certain percentage of skeptics.
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