The New Normal

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As I said, I could be wrong. And if I am I'll forgive myself for it. Like I said, covid hit me hard so the vaccine seems like a risk worth taking to me. I hope CNY is right and having covid once has me good to go.""

I got it spring for few reasons
1 I not healthy I have few comidety s
2 for 2 mom and uncle and other in family to be with them again
3 having bad asthma it impossible for me to breathe in them after few minutes
4 I know others old er family that passed from it
5 to go back to where we where before

My 2 cousins( like brother s) will not get it the vaccine because 1 he'd th e virus is 40 ish is kind of health then me. My other cousin mid 40
Very healthy nut
He he always took care
They both conservatives I understand why they would not get totally
As I said, I could be wrong. And if I am I'll forgive myself for it. Like I said, covid hit me hard so the vaccine seems like a risk worth taking to me. I hope CNY is right and having covid once has me good to go.

I am skeptical of X's point that this is the most common reason that people aren't getting the vaccine. I'll admit that's a gut feeling, not based on research or data.

I agree with what I think TJ is saying. If you don't want to get vaccinated wear a mask and avoid close contact. I find the hardest part of this is others who don't seem take it seriously and unexpectedly get close to me. Work is the hard part. Once retired and living in the mountains I think it would be a lot easier to keep my distance.
I didn’t see where anyone said it was “the most common reason “ just one of many as we are a country of independent thinkers fortunately we have the freedom to do so
I wonder how many people who are vaccine hesitant have a regular doctor who they trust.
I'd guess this is the reason for a lot of people's hesitation towards getting the vax. I feel very lucky that my doc is super cool, wicked smart, and I trust her on every level.
Something about this whole thing just seems a bit off. It used to be that if you got a disease and survived then you would obtain immunity for a decent length of time. Now "the experts" are saying no, that doesn't apply anymore. So they expect us to believe that thousands of years of human evolution and immunology is no longer valid? Occam's razor.
Agree, I’ve felt this way since the start of this whole mess. Some people trust their gut. My gut tells me something bigger is going on.
Agree, I’ve felt this way since the start of this whole mess. Some people trust their gut. My gut tells me something bigger is going on.
What if there’s a simple explanation like:
1. A disease somewhat similar to bird flu (2005) or swine flu (2009) started in China (doesn’t much matter how)
2. It was more contagious & deadly than those previous diseases
3. World Governments wanted to eradicate the disease, initially hoped that masking & distancing would do it, but ultimately, at least three multinational companies created vaccines that passed clinical trials & were approved for use.
4. World governments started pushing the vaccine because they really want a “return to normal” so that citizens don’t get all pissed off and government officials can get re-elected.

Everything doesn’t have to be a conspiracy. Are rich people getting even more rich during COVID? Of course. Rich people always get more rich.

Anyway, here’s a good article on why people believe conspiracy theories. Maybe that guy from California should have read it before he killed his kids with a spear gun because “his gut” told him they had serpent DNA:
I didn’t see where anyone said it was “the most common reason “ just one of many as we are a country of independent thinkers fortunately we have the freedom to do so
Fair enough. All you said was "this is why" referring to CNY's post. I misunderstood what "this" referred to. Still don't know what refers to, TBH.
Well, it IS different than the shots we had in kindergarten. A traditional vaccine uses a weakened or dead virus to compel the human immune system into action. These new vaccines (all of them) do not. Why? This issue is what makes most of us "vaccine hesitant" uneasy. Even the more traditional J&J vax uses the Adenovirus (not Covid-19) as it's core mechanism. If Covid-19 is truly a virus than why not use it (in weakened form) as a basis for a vaccine? Honestly, if someone could provide a coherent explanation of this than most of us would be at the vax clinic tomorrow, me included. I have had all of my traditional vaccines and boosters and cannot by any means be labeled "anti-vax".

There is nothing political about this issue for me - I'm a libertarian nutty-crunchy environmentalist with a soft spot for the down and trodden (that includes animals and insects). I'm also a health nut and vegetarian and have been well served by my own immune system for 58 years..haven't seen a doctor in over 7 years and have no intent on seeing one anytime soon. I am also highly suspicious of the pharmaceutical industry and do not take any meds except for the occasional ibuprofen pill to dull the pain of this injury or that.

Something about this whole thing just seems a bit off. It used to be that if you got a disease and survived then you would obtain immunity for a decent length of time. Now "the experts" are saying no, that doesn't apply anymore. So they expect us to believe that thousands of years of human evolution and immunology is no longer valid? Occam's razor.
Are you a virologist?
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