Tales from The Road

crv - 1.jpeg

ETA: That is the Clifton Park text stop? Near Exit 10. It was a hellacious ice storm for about 45 mins. Noisy as hell, got quiet at Lake George.

Got one more pic coming.
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The plow came through and erased my work. And now i'm plowed in.

Getting up our road in 6 inches of unplowed snow, in my crv, and yeah with those tires.

Car is at the bottom of the drive, 3 trips up and down. Testing out my leg.
The plow came through and erased my work. And now i'm plowed in.

Getting up our road in 6 inches of unplowed snow, in my crv, and yeah with those tires.

Car is at the bottom of the drive, 3 trips up and down. Testing out my leg.
Glad ya made it.
Pace yerself.
Have fun.
Holy fuck! I can't even explain it!

A plow sprayed ice into our lane from the other side of 287

I got sideways but saved it

Then there is a huge noise

I pull off at the first exit but it's like 2 miles

I look under to see if my muffler is fucked

I have no left rear wheel

I think I figured this out. The CRV looks prone to building up ice in the wheel wells. That ^^ night that plow threw a shit ton under my car and it clogged the wheels up. After cruising along for a while the ice just wore through the tires.

That experience helped me this weekend. That sleet storm on Friday night filled them up again. Driving around North Creek, slowly I didn't notice it. But as soon as I got on to the highway i heard the rubbing and pulled over to use my scraper to hack out the ice. Each of the four wells was packed to the max with ice. It wasn't easy getting it out, my only tool, my snow brush didn't really fit in there.

I stopped several times to try to get more out. Finally tonight, after 24 hours in the garage, it all melted out. It was so cold after the storm that even the salt infused ice wouldn't melt.
I think I figured this out. The CRV looks prone to building up ice in the wheel wells. That ^^ night that plow threw a shit ton under my car and it clogged the wheels up. After cruising along for a while the ice just wore through the tires.

That experience helped me this weekend. That sleet storm on Friday night filled them up again. Driving around North Creek, slowly I didn't notice it. But as soon as I got on to the highway i heard the rubbing and pulled over to use my scraper to hack out the ice. Each of the four wells was packed to the max with ice. It wasn't easy getting it out, my only tool, my snow brush didn't really fit in there.

I stopped several times to try to get more out. Finally tonight, after 24 hours in the garage, it all melted out. It was so cold after the storm that even the salt infused ice wouldn't melt.
You need a better snow vehicle.
I think I figured this out. The CRV looks prone to building up ice in the wheel wells. That ^^ night that plow threw a shit ton under my car and it clogged the wheels up. After cruising along for a while the ice just wore through the tires.

That experience helped me this weekend. That sleet storm on Friday night filled them up again. Driving around North Creek, slowly I didn't notice it. But as soon as I got on to the highway i heard the rubbing and pulled over to use my scraper to hack out the ice. Each of the four wells was packed to the max with ice. It wasn't easy getting it out, my only tool, my snow brush didn't really fit in there.

I stopped several times to try to get more out. Finally tonight, after 24 hours in the garage, it all melted out. It was so cold after the storm that even the salt infused ice wouldn't melt.
If it happens repeatedly for ya other folks must’ve experienced it too.
Have ya asked Honda bout it?
Each of the four wells was packed to the max with ice. It wasn't easy getting it out, my only tool, my snow brush didn't really fit in there.
I find that if I just "donkey kick" it with the heel of my boot, it tends to come out without too much effort.
I find that if I just "donkey kick" it with the heel of my boot, it tends to come out without too much effort.

This has always worked in the past. I doubt anything that would fall out with simple kick wouldn't have enough tenacity to wear through a tire. This was solid packed ice, hard enough to ice skate on. If I'd had a hammer with me I might have been able to get it out more easily. Actually now that I think about it the tire change kit has a steel lug nut thing that might have worked.

I'm wondering of anyone else who drove Thursday night had anything similar. I know @Robert drove through that sleet. Or maybe @Temp6?

I think the idea for a dedicated sleet vehicles sounds practical. Please post your suggestions. I'm going to get bids for an addition to our garage. Or maybe just deal with it for another two years. A heated garage in NY would have solved it, in this case.