Tales from the Hinterlands, 2021-2022

Here is the chair report, on the day before Twigfest. What you can't see the unconsolidated nature of the snow, which made breaking trail a challenge and downhill travel very interesting:

Chair before Twigfest.jpg

LeChef explains the order of the day. His hot tent was key to the day's success, having a warm-up spot is such a bonus (you know, like a base lodge?):

LeChef explains the day.jpg

As one of the designated tour leaders, I was issued a special package containing a map, the site safety plan and a lot of chocolate. The trusty moosehide mitts saved the day for my hands:

Mitts map and chocolate.jpg

I don't have any pictures of people actually heading downhill, maybe more will pop up from others. Here we are heading uphill on a beautiful cold day:

Sun is up on the up.jpg

It was a great day of brotherly and sisterly love between the snowboard, AT and tele crowds (in that order in this image):

board AT tele.jpg
Absolutely. A 210 cm classic wood ski, sacrificed for the cause. Keep yer distance, friend.
This Moosemilk batch was composed of cream, maple syrup and scotch, likely highly antiviral. Here is a good view of LeChef himself and the fearless Stephanie taking their turn. Do note this was all done apres-ski.
Swishing the frothy suds of a cold one has biophysical properties worthy of further study too, apres-ski of course.
Ya’d need to Install a bit larger recepticles to hold em.
It wouldn’t be shot-ski, more of a swill-ski.
Skis come in pairs.
Think big.
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Swishing the frothy suds of a cold one has biophysical properties worthy of further study too, apres-ski of course.
Ya’d need to Install a bit larger recepticles to hold em.
It wouldn’t be shot-ski, more of a swill-ski.
Skis come in pairs.
Think big.
Not this ski, it's pair had the tip broken off due to snow falling off a roof. A respectable and honourable retirement mehinks.
I forgot to mention that it was -28 C in the parking area at 9:30 am. That's -18.4 F. Telemark Dave and I did wonder aloud why we agreed to do this, and he pointed out that if wasn't for COVID, he'd have been in Hawaii. Pretty nippy buckling up the old tele boots but the ski to camp warmed us up and we just kept moving all day. When we left it was a balmy -14 C or so (7 F).
I know I’ve said this before but what a great looking scene you all have there.

Is there a map of your skin track trails and major ski lines? I think that would be cool to see.