Tales from the Hinterlands, 2021-2022

Yes, that is Moira, we have had her since June. She is a rescue from northern Ontario and quite happy to be here.

Junkboards are DIY rock/tele skis made out of old snowboards. In this case, I found a Burton Jossi Okansen 159 pro model in the dumpster at work, mysteriously missing its edges. After seeing a video on telemark junkboarding, I decided to go for it. I traced out the sidecut, ripped it up the middle on a bandsaw, sealed the exposed wood with West System epoxy and bolted on some Super Telemark binders I had lying around with stainless steel T-nuts. All in, cost me about $6. Wax for grip with nordic wax and use old school leather tele boots. Woo hoo!

Some context:

Ha! Dude. That’s super rad! I love your style man.

So there aren’t any edges on one side of each ski? How does that ski? I’m guessing it doesn’t matter much in natural fresh?
Ha! Dude. That’s super rad! I love your style man.

So there aren’t any edges on one side of each ski? How does that ski? I’m guessing it doesn’t matter much in natural fresh?

Ha ha, thanks. No steel edges at all but enough sharp-ish profile in the original wood core to schralp fresh snow. I would not put these on my feet if I thought an actual steel edge might be required.
The chair tells us that it a good day to ski, despite the ridiculous cold:

Chair Jan 29.jpg

We opted for a 1 pm start, by which time it was a balmy -12 C (10 F). It was first turns of the season for LeChef, Telemark Dave and me, plus first group ski tour for Moira the dog, so we adopted a mellow pace.

First day at Secret Hill.jpg

LeChef gets credit for first crash of the season. We've all been there.

First crash at Secret Hill 2022.jpg

What goes down must go up, the dogs waits somewhat patiently for the trailbreakers to head up the road home.

Let's go human.jpg
I stole most of these pics from people at Twigfest on Saturday, super cold, challenging event out in the hills, and except for one total pill, an amazing group of 25 people...SBR and Tele Dave helped out hugely, as usual, they should have more pics, I was busy keeping the stoves running.


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What I really need to know does maple bourbon kill the ‘vid?!?
That looks like a hoot. Is that a socially distanced shot-ski?

Absolutely. A 210 cm classic wood ski, sacrificed for the cause. Keep yer distance, friend.

What I really need to know does maple bourbon kill the ‘vid?!?

This Moosemilk batch was composed of cream, maple syrup and scotch, likely highly antiviral. Here is a good view of LeChef himself and the fearless Stephanie taking their turn. Do note this was all done apres-ski.
