Sweet Cars and Trucks

Here's one of my favorites. Still a timeless design, and if you've got buckets of money, there's an outfit called Alfaholics that will restomod the $hit out of it.

Not sure how long it's been there, since I don't live across the street anymore.

You guys kind of shot me down on that last car, so I didn't tell you Al's story on this one. He told me it was one of the last one's (the last one?) signed by CS before he passed.

Apparently the guy never drives it, was coming home in his F250 and the brakes failed as he was pulling in the driveway. He crashed through the garage door and re-ended it, while it was in the garage.
That's a cool story. CS was quite the Cowboy, love hearing stories about him. That guy must have been puking after hitting that car in his own garage. I can't even imagine.
I had one experience like that, more my own fault. I tried to pull in the garage with two bikes on the roof.

  1. car
  2. 2 bikes
  3. bike rack
  4. garage
No bueno.

One time, totally not my fault, parked next to my wife at the pool, some guy didn't pull his parking break, his car rolled down the hill and smashed both our cars. His lovely wife told me "you should be happy no one was hurt." Um what?
LMAO!! ^^^

Years and years ago we had a car roll down a bank, thru the busiest intersection in town, jump a curb, and stop in the gas station across the street. The guy called and said, "you want to come get your car?" huh??? He told me what happened and that he watched the whole thing. Nobody, not even the car, had a scratch on them. It was quite entertaining.
Ha! When I was a kid and we were living in Purdy’s/Somers (NY) my parents left my brother and I in the car while they ran into a market. Parking lot was on an incline. One of us (not sure who) jumped in the front seat and messed with something. You guessed it. The car rolled backwards, across 202 (busy road), and into the service station across the street. Same deal. No damage, no injuries, we thought it was a hoot. Could’ve ended much differently of course...
Ha! When I was a kid and we were living in Purdy’s/Somers (NY) my parents left my brother and I in the car while they ran into a market. Parking lot was on an incline. One of us (not sure who) jumped in the front seat and messed with something. You guessed it. The car rolled backwards, across 202 (busy road), and into the service station across the street. Same deal. No damage, no injuries, we thought it was a hoot. Could’ve ended much differently of course...

Same thing happened to me when I was a kid. My mother left my brother and me in the 1957 Oldsmobile while she ran into the bank. My younger brother jumped in the front seat and started playing driver. Shifted into reverse, you can guess the rest. Fortunately the parking lot had a low brick wall to stop us. Dad was pissed when he got home!