Sweet Cars and Trucks

Its why you can't beat a vette..looks cool..goes fast..cheap to maintain.
Vette's are cheap because they're like cat sh!t. They're all over the place. There's probably 12 sitting in garages withing a mile radius of your house. They were bought as weekend cars, driven on Sunday, washed, and put back in the garage. So they're not rare, have low miles, were garage kept, and there's tons of parts available for them. A good, relatively cheap "classic" car if you want something to drive on the weekends but any of them post 1970 will never be worth a ton of money.
I watch several youtube channels about owning these crazy cars. They talk about the maintenance expenses on some of the most expensive cars on the planet..its mind boggling..One guy spends almost a million a year on his batch. Jay Leno laughed when they wanted to charge him $1500.00 to change the wind shield wiper on his Mclaren F1...I won't drive it in the rain...
And yes the new mid engine vette is cool but comes with a higher maintenance cost due to where the motor is..
Still waiting for it to stop raining every weekend so I can take the damn bike out..this is turning into skiing..nice all week..rain on weekends......except I'll ski in the rain for a little while..
Bikes like that are a bit useless as you never use all that power...responsibly. Kind of like owning a 50 BMG rifle..cool to have but what the hell can you really do with it.
On another note..totally bummed out..finally got to the track yesterday..it stopped raining..got 2 sessions in..then tragedy strikes. Guy loses control..or something..and hits a wall at 100mph...dead. This is a very rare thing to happen at tracks like this..no idea how it happened..I went home..to shook up to stay and go out today..Everyone was in shock..Still am a bit..didn't know him but he was one of us..
Real Detroit steel


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