Spring Weather 2023

Now 857" ❄️ ❄️
Rollin in the Deep.
Even Snowbird has gone over 800" for the season. The latest storm isn't quite over yet. Alta and Snowbird didn't open yesterday and probably won't open today, April 5. With the road closed, not enough employees can make it to work safely. Interlodge was in effect all day on April 4 as far as I can tell.

LCC is getting noticeably more snow than BCC. Hwy 190 re-opened yesterday mid-morning. Took a while for the Solitude and Brighton parking lots to fill up from what could be seen from webcams. Never got completely full. Still a difference between weekends and midweek around SLC in April.

Snowbird Conditions as of 6am, April 5
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From Alta website, heavy snowfall started up again at 6pm on April 4. Storm total as of 6am on April 5 is 59 inches and the storm cycle isn't over yet!
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I don't fly to SLC until tomorrow. My daughter is joining me for her first ski vacation as a working adult. We are staying in the city for a few nights with Bill (driving from Albuquerque per usual) before moving to Alta Lodge.

I have a few friends who made it to Alta Lodge on April 2. So far this week, they only got in a few hours of skiing on April 3 when Sunnyside, Collins were open by mid-morning. Wildcat only opened for a few hours and closed at noon.
Even Snowbird has gone over 800" for the season. The latest storm isn't quite over yet. Alta and Snowbird didn't open yesterday and probably won't open today, April 5. With the road closed, not enough employees can make it to work safely.
Alta, Snowbird, Brighton, and Solitude will be closed on April 5. No ETO for Little Cottonwood Canyon or Big Cottonwood Canyon roads. Sun is peaking out at Alta as of 8am in the morning but bit more snow still expected during the day. At least UDOT crews will be able to to see today as they work to clear avalanche debris from natural slides and avalanche mitigation efforts.

Evan of OpenSnow seems to be looking forward to dry weather. Solitude announced they would be closed shortly after he posted this morning.


WHAT. A. STORM. Up to FIVE FEET of April snow has fallen. Snow will taper off today and we enter a period of generally dry weather with warmer temperatures. We need to dig out.

Short Term Forecast

We knew it was going to be a big one and it was. Even knowing, however, doesn't quite prepare you for a massive April storm on an already record-breaking snowpack on the heels of our snowiest month ever. Nothing prepares you for it. Even the canyons weren't prepared for it. BCC is closed for the day as is Brighton. Not sure about Solitude yet. LCC is closed with no ETO but Alta and Snowbird have already stated that they won't open until the road does. Lots of work to be done on the mountains and in the canyons to make them safe again.

Little Cottonwood picked up 57-63" of snow in this storm since Sunday. Big Cottonwood was in the 35-45" range. Snowbasin with another 23" yesterday brought them to well over 40" storm total. PC reporting another 16". Cherry Peak has gone HUGE this storm as well with several feet of snow. Elsewhere, totals were much lower in areas that weren't favored in the persistent NW flow yesterday. But still, generally storm totals were 20" or more everywhere with only a couple exceptions. It was a big storm for any time of year, but especially April.

Alta is now at 873" of snow on the season. Honestly, I expected more last night when I went to bed but the snow shutoff several hours sooner than I would have expected. They could still get more snow showers today but I think only 1-4" is likely today as the storm is mostly departing now. It was less than 2 weeks ago that I speculated on the "absurd" idea that maybe Alta could reach 900" by the end of May. We are now only 27" short with quite a while to go. It seems likely now.

As for the weather, snow showers taper off today but we stay cold. We will see warming through the weekend up to temperature levels we haven't seen in quite a while. Upper 40s to low 50s possible on the mountains. Very springlike. There will be some shortwaves passing to our north through early next week that may brush Utah and bring some periods of clouds and breezes.
. . ."
With Interlodge ongoing, no one has shoveled the Alta Lodge walkway for a while. The main door is almost buried. The walkway is heated but still needs help with this level of snowfall. Picture from the webcam at 8:30am, April 5, that also includes the Wildcat ticket window building. Going to take a while to dig out the Alta Lodge handle tow and the transfer tow machinery. The groomers can only do so much to help.

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With Interlodge ongoing, no one has shoveled the Alta Lodge walkway for a while. The main door is almost buried. The walkway is heated but still needs help with this level of snowfall. Picture from the webcam at 8:30am, April 5, that also includes the Wildcat ticket window building. Going to take a while to dig out the Alta Lodge handle tow and the transfer tow machinery. The groomers can only do so much to help.
The worker bees up there must be getting a bit tired too.
Wish I was there just to experience and see this massive snow fall