Song Conditions

Wait a second… a dude on his phone, a screen grab, the dude on his phone again, unknown people with a finger in the photo and then a goat? What the fuck is going on over there? This is bullshit. We deserve better. Send us some shots and stories or we’ll send in @jamesdeluxe!
Here’s one snapped on the ride home from Song yesterday, if it’ll help the cause.
It ain’t Yurp though.
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You guys got bumps?
Friggin AzzClown
It's kinda a joke. My comment not the mountain. Lots of people have a lot of fun there. I went once. Ventured out into the woods off the top and found barbed wire pasture. First time I've been to the top of a ski resort and it wasn't the top of a mountain.
We also call em bumps as they’re just sides of Big hills.
There were some little moguls building on Sunday when we skied there.
Best to check Song’s web cam. It's aimed at Ottos.
There'’s also a bit steeper trail, Jupiter, that may have some but without Diamond Cutter lift not spinning weekdays it’s hard to get the "bump army" going.
The word “resort" used with Song & Lab is almost as funny.
Under the lifts is always bumpier.
Some folks get air running over sides of where the groomer grooms too.
It's kinda a joke. My comment not the mountain. Lots of people have a lot of fun there. I went once. Ventured out into the woods off the top and found barbed wire pasture. First time I've been to the top of a ski resort and it wasn't the top of a mountain.
Oh, I knew what you meant and that it was a joke. That's why you'll never see me say "mountain" when referring to GP, it's always a hill.
I did laugh tho