Song Conditions

It’s not Cutthroat. That’s at Lab.
It’s Otto’s. She’ll buff out.
Skied Song today. Got there at the crack of 10 and was 1st skier on the bunny lift. There was a snowboarder before from the tracks observed who must of thought the same as to get some momentum up for the triple. At least 5” of light sweet powder blessed the slopes. Talked to the skier who owns the green truck in above pic who was there again and we both skied to our respective vehicles. Sun poked out for a total of a 1/2 hour. Saw folks sliding down Jupiter’s whales on there butts, with no skis or boards observed..
Snow was great & fun. Skied till 1 or so. Might try a Lab excursion Thursday &/or Friday. Ptarmy might be ready.
Skied Song again today.
Sunny high 20s & the snow sparkled. First time skiing in the sun this season.
South wind at 15-20 or so and smooth conditions allowed for the Song Mountain Rapid Transit system to be running well.
Got 2nd chair on the bunny hill then it was laps on Bali. Then all over.
Snow and folks were very nice. A good time was had by all.
Saw a couple of the patrol hammering 3 clunkers under the chair to break em up. We thanked them.
It’s been cold lately.

The Last Run on Otto's was good too. Even had a photo session.

Screen shot of the crowds when I got home.

The little animals come out in the afternoon.
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Skied Song today.
Got there at the crack of a quarter after 11. It opened an hour later than the normal 10AM opening.
Mid teens, light wind and it snowed the whole time on top of more than a foot of new.
Roads were worse coming home than going.
Only the bunny hill and triple spinning till they opened Diamond Cutter before 2 or so. Lift line was 5 min or less. Kids were off school and a foot of new can do that with just 1 way to the top.
Folks were happy especially those using wide skis.
The boarders were doing most of the “grooming” and they usually hit Lab as there’s a park on Badger.
Skied all over but enjoyed the westside narrower woodsy relatively untouched trails the most.
Was gonna go as the legs tired easier with the f*ckton of snow till I saw the Diamond Cutter was gonna run with no waiting.
Kids were having fun skiing under the Diamond Cutter running in packs.
Did a few runs off that lift then it was down Jupiter and skied to the car at quarter to 3.
Amazing day, Skiing should be great for awhile. Everything was open. Get some, it’s out there now.
Otto’s 2nite
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You get stuck on the lift?
Don’t usually ski on weekends.
At least it had warmed up some by then.
Someone said that double spun a bit on Friday but when I was there it was just bunny hill and the western triple till the Diamond Cutter spun.
Rode that double last year some when it was running. It’s a tad trickier with the pipe in the middle. Some say she’s a 71 Riblet.
The Diamond Cutter ran fine Friday when they spun it starting before 2.
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I went to song Saturday morning. The snow was great. The lifts were painfully slow. I guess I am spoiled.
I went to song Saturday morning. The snow was great. The lifts were painfully slow. I guess I am spoiled.
If ya want ta get after it faster the T-bar at Lab passes the triple on the way up and ya can get off at the headwall.
Lather rinse repeat. It’s not online much though.
Ptarmy triple chair seems to move faster too but it may be just my imagination.
For some reason even with the “slow lifts” I manage to get tired and/or cold.