Regular, Premium, MPG and AWD

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Old but still relevant

Most AWD systems can't move side to side like Subies. Subie moves side to side as well as front to back, that's the biggest difference in the AWD systems. Subie can literally have 1 wheel get traction and the car will move.
That's the best way I can explain it without getting into a bunch of mumble jumble talk.

I had snow tires on all 3 of my Subies in winter. I went where I wanted. The Legacy GT wagon wasn't as capable in snow as the other two: low profile tires. Downside: I replaced catalytic converters on all three of them. Not cheap.
Outbacks are nice cars. Bought same color, same engine, both get ~30mpg. Sometimes I get in the wrong one.
One’s 6 years newer than the other. Both have the worlds largest moonroof or something like that.
Newer one has more electronic stuff. I’ve yet to read the whole dang manual.
I do buy premium for the mower and the blower. Makes a marginal difference in the mower but a huge difference in the blower.
Same here, though the price these days is rather alarming. Premium makes a really big difference in the chainsaw and weed whacker.