Regular, Premium, MPG and AWD

Just spoke with a friend who was not able to get fuel oil delivered. Hie said his oil company told him they took their truck to the terminal to fill up and were told the tank was empty? I’m skeptical as the terminal nearby is a major storage area .Google came up with nothing, we’ll see.

If you heat with oil you might want to buy some electric heaters they while are still available.
Or have other options just in case.
He has all summer to fill his tank. Right now heating oil is not needed so the refiners are probably making the similar kerosene and diesel. There was a lot of diesel coming out of Russia, so that is one area that has to be adjusted.
He has all summer to fill his tank. Right now heating oil is not needed so the refiners are probably making the similar kerosene and diesel. There was a lot of diesel coming out of Russia, so that is one area that has to be adjusted.
Don't I know it. Price of diesel, ugh. Fortunately prices have come down a bit where I live.