Random NYSkiBlog Stuff That You Might Not Care About

This is pretty cool. Get the hype train rolling! Choo Chooo
It's both, but more organic than forum.

Over the last three months Google traffic up 150%, forum traffic up 50%.

Be interesting to see if higher levels hold next year. I think if next season is "normal" there would be some kind of drop.
It’s because you run a legitimate ski site, not one that is full of someone promoting their own ski area to get perks etc; that happens when the person who runs the site looks for paying contributors, that is like TV stations content controlled bye paying advertisers, so I happily pass along this site to people
It’s because you run a legitimate ski site, not one that is full of someone promoting their own ski area to get perks etc; that happens when the person who runs the site looks for paying contributors, that is like TV stations content controlled bye paying advertisers, so I happily pass along this site to people
Whatever this is, time to either explain it and then let it go, or maybe just let it go.
Whatever this is, time to either explain it and then let it go, or maybe just let it go.
last fall a friend enlightened me to a bunch of sites but said how some are just for advertising, that’s why I asked a while ago if you take contributions;
To further explain, I don’t know what it takes to run a site but some make it seem like it takes a lot of money, time , effort etc, the skiers I know are hard core and can’t afford to throw money at websites, but they will give you the best , real information
I have heard estimates from others about the cost of running their sites. Some of them seem way high to me.

Our hosting is pretty good quality and cost about $600 a year. You can get crappy hosting for a lot less as low as $10/month. I spring for better hosting because I like pages that load quickly, and so does google.

I also pay $10 a year for the domain name nyskiblog.com. "It's GOLD Jerry! GOLD!" :)

I've tried to cover those costs with advertising and now with the new forum, we are actually coming close, TBD. It has a much better advertising setup than Nabble did. Please disable your ad blockers.

The big cost, outside of all this is the cost of producing content for the front page. Lift tickets and gas and in some cases lodging. That's way more than $600. But I'd spend a lot of that money even if I didn't run a blog.

I have had some big one-time expenses. When we moved to a responsive design (looks good on a phone) a few years ago that required a lot of development. Something I can't do. It was probably $10k, but I negotiated with a guy who works for me professionally, and he charged me $2000. That hurt, and also had to be explained to the MRS, but it was necessary to enter the modern age. There have been a few other one time costs over the years.

The REAL cost is my time. The hours are high and they pay is probably negative.