

They are tasty too, make a nice garnish on a salad or something.
Elderberry flowers are supposed to be as well ,I haven't tried them . I was lax putting up fencing this year and the deer got them again. They seem to leave my blueberries alone though.
Elderberry flowers are supposed to be as well ,I haven't tried them . I was lax putting up fencing this year and the deer got them again. They seem to leave my blueberries alone though.
I’ve never tried them raw but I did fry them once. It didn't seem worth the effort. We usually make a simple syrup with them to make liqueur. Watch out for the stems, leaves, seeds, and any woody parts as they contain traces of cyanide that could potentially accumulate if too much is consumed.
Watch out for the stems, leaves, seeds, and any woody parts as they contain traces of cyanide that could potentially accumulate if too much is consumed.
Thanks for the pix.

What you mention above about traces of cyanide accumulating in the body reminds me of visits to countries in Africa where the root vegetable casava (also known as "manioc") is a staple food. When it isn't prepared properly before consumption (crushing and rinsing to leech out the cyanide), over time it causes a hideous neurological disease, "konzo," that causes irreversible, spastic paralysis in people -- like a type of polio.