Old Folks Thread

And of course depending on your situation, it could be significantly more than SS.
And of course depending on your situation, it could be significantly more than SS.
Now, that's rare. Mine's just a little more, and, in a few years, SS will overtake it, if COLA persists. There were a few years during Obama when SS had no increase at all, which is ok, inflation is very dangerous for retirees. Last year we had a nearly ten percent increase in SS.

The best pension deals go to public employees today. Cops, firemen, and Congress people (heh). Some cops here in Fairfield county, like many, are twenty five years and out with a full pension and health care for the spouse, too. And they are making well into six figures, with OT, and the pension is calculated on best annual gross, at usually a very good 75-100% rate. So that means about early 50s with a generous pension with COLA, and then they go out and get an easy second job at that age.
It's pretty amazing in California. Google public retiree pension records there sometime. There are a ton well over 200 grand, and, if they married another public employee, which happens a lot, double that. And they bought a house in California in one of the craziest markets in the country with their really good salaries, which they cash out at easily a million plus. They also have sweet 401k like plans with matching for saving. I listen to a financial advice podcast that is based on Sacramento, and sometimes one of these people call in, and I'm astounded. What really pisses me off is that they complain and moan about Ca. taxes, and say that they're moving to Nevada or Tennessee to avoid that. Jezuz. Living like a fat parasite on the taxpayer dime all their lives, and then they take their wealth elsewhere.
I defer to your knowledge, my comment was made on a tiny data set. People I know with (private, non gov't) pensions get half their final salary for life. Even those who retired years ago were making more than I am now. I'd love half my salary for life.
It depends. In my case, in what was an old school corporate pension, it's determined on a highest three year average gross, time of service, and age. It's actually a very poor incentive to keep good employees, because many life decisions you make starting at, oh, 45, are to enhance your pension to that formula. But, almost all of that is gone in the private world, has been for years. Heck, my company is gone, and another company took over the obligations. Eventually, the government pays you if all else fails.
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Public pensions are fine but that Cola mentioned in NYS ERS is based on One Half the CPI AND only on the first 18 k. Using my own pension by way of example after 28 yrs of retirement my pension based on inflation over that period is roughly 50per cent of what it was. Ss has cola at 100 percent of CPI-W.soit can out pace many NYS pensions from my Era.

Ergo the need for 3-4 " revenue buckets " ( pension, SS and 403b And other private investments ) to beat inflation over the long haul
Question: Has anyone here had serious injuries while skiing because something gave out unexpectedly? Like your knee popped while cruising? Just wondering what everyone's experience is with accidents and injuries.
So far my only recent wrecks were either terrain related or fatigued quads.
Question: Has anyone here had serious injuries while skiing because something gave out unexpectedly? Like your knee popped while cruising? Just wondering what everyone's experience is with accidents and injuries.
So far my only recent wrecks were either terrain related or fatigued quads.
Skiing related in juries that I recall. All terrain related.

1. Fell forward on a fast downhill at the Ho and dislocated my thumb. Fortunately, it was a clean dislocation.
2. Fractured wrist, falling while roller skiing in the dark.
3. Road rash in a fast downhill crash, rollerski race.
I have become more religious about waxing. I've been hurt by sticking skis.
Question: Has anyone here had serious injuries while skiing because something gave out unexpectedly? Like your knee popped while cruising? Just wondering what everyone's experience is with accidents and injuries.
So far my only recent wrecks were either terrain related or fatigued quads.
Haven't had any serious injuries while skiing. Perhaps because I was an adventurous intermediate until around age 55. The falls that caused a minor injury in the last 15 years have all been when I was skiing with intermediates on a blue groomer and was looking back to see how they were doing.

The falls when going relatively fast on a groomer and catching an edge have been embarrassing but didn't cause any serious issues. Did wrench a thumb with the old open plastic grip poles at Massanutten that I'd had since the 1980s. Fair to say that I started skiing a lot faster after becoming an advanced skier. Not using those poles any more.
I’m very proactive about calling it a day when I feel myself getting sloppy in order to avoid getting hurt. I’m good till 1:30-2 o’clock.
I’m a pretty aggressive skier but age is catching up with me.

I’m re thinking my strategy maybe a long catnap after lunch. I need to loose some weight as well and do more pre season training.