Most Underrated Ski Towns

My anecdotal perspective is that Gore is mostly day trippers from the Capital region who aren't sleeping or dining in the town no matter how you connect them. The town needs more lodging for that to happen but it's a chicken and egg thing.
I don’t know. It seems like Becks is always busy. And the Stewart’s and other gas stations between Gore and the thruway seem to be doing alright. I think if people were driving through town, some would stop to eat. There’s definitely something to that idea.
Whenever I sit at the bar at Becks it's almost all locals, not that that there is anything wrong with that.
. All this talk about Ellicotville has me interested.
As long as you can deal with a 700' hill and you can ski during the week you will have two places to ski and afterwards there are plenty of places to get a bite to eat and a drink. I love how when you are on Main St looking towards the west it looks like the trails from Holimount go right into people's back yards
As long as you can deal with a 700' hill and you can ski during the week you will have two places to ski and afterwards there are plenty of places to get a bite to eat and a drink. I love how when you are on Main St looking towards the west it looks like the trails from Holimount go right into people's back yards
700 ft of vertical aint bad as long as there's some ttb mogul skiing.
I don’t know. It seems like Becks is always busy. And the Stewart’s and other gas stations between Gore and the thruway seem to be doing alright. I think if people were driving through town, some would stop to eat. There’s definitely something to that idea.
and less we forget the Meat Store of the North!
It is almost impossible to get 700 vertical anywhere at these 2 places. Most of the chairs are 400-500 vert. I don't care how great Ellicottville is, the skiing blows.
savage , but the sometimes the truth is
It is almost impossible to get 700 vertical anywhere at these 2 places. Most of the chairs are 400-500 vert. I don't care how great Ellicottville is, the skiing blows.
I've had many great days at HV and Holimont where I learned vert isn't everything. I'd rather ski 700 at HV than 1200 at Bristol any day.

If apres partying is also important then Ellicottville has got to be one of the best.

Though many already know that, giving HV the busiest mountain in the state, so I'm not sure it's "underrated."
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