Life on Mars?

Space Force!
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Wow space x blew up

Not sad at all
It was a successful launch. They are testing a rocket that is much more powerful then a Saturn 5.
it just didn’t land
When Elon musk was on joe rogen a few weeks ago he said they expect them to blow up
I like the idea of roll up windows in a vehicle capable of interplanetary travel.

Who here is old enough to remember when electric window were only on "luxury" cars?

Sorry I can't resist:

Who here is old enough to remember when electric window were only on "luxury" cars?
I drive a Jeep with old-school roll up/roll down windows. My kid legitimately could not figure out how to get the window down and she refused to believe me when I told her.
my grandfather had Buick Electra 225 in the early 70's..Electric windows and Locks... It blew my mind , it was like being in a tesla