Killington Village Discussion

It’s all fun and games until someone tells someone else to go f’ themselves! Ain’t nobody got time for that. :cool:
I can see good in this project, as long as it isn’t executed like the Stratton schlock.
For sure. Stratton was a great place before it was ruined. At least they will be new empty places instead of old ones.
Is the Wobbly Barn still gonna wobble?
Had some good fun at that joint
For sure. I’ve wobbled around that barn a few nights. Last time was when the Pink Floyd cover band Dark Side of the Moon played. That was quite a trip, complete with smoke and a crazy laser light show.
Other than crazy access road stories of drunkenness and mayhem from back in the day
Oh yeah, plenty of those. RIP Outback Pizza with the beer mugs that travelled on a conveyer outside to freeze then back inside to be filled. Couldn’t leave until you swung the ring on a string onto the nail. Then we’d go do some snow tire testing on the ski slopes. Next morning was RIP Pepper’s for screwdrivers with fresh squeezed oranges that travelled from a hopper up a screw then rolled on a track on the ceiling to the squeezer at the bar. Then we’d go smash bumps on OL. Those were crazy times.
I haven’t found anything soulful about skiing Killington
The only thing soulful about Killington is Cooper’s Cabin.
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For sure. I’ve wobbled around that barn a few nights. Last time was when the Pink Floyd cover band Dark Side of the Moon played. That was quite a trip, complete with smoke and a crazy laser light show.
Glad they had the bus or we would’ve been lost somewhere walking. We might’ve anyway.
To correct the record - the Stratton Village was built in the mid 1980s by Stratton developers and then owners Moore and Munger.

Moore and Munger sold Stratton to Victoria USA (a Japanese company) in 1989. Victoria then sold Stratton to Intrawest in 1994. Intrawest had zero to do with the base Village. Intrawest did add tons of housing around the base of the mountain including developing the parking lots directly below the Stratton base village into 5 condo buildings.

While we all like to mock the Stratton ' Village' (including me), it adds a nice dimension to all the housing around the base area. There are multiple shops that have been there for decades and 15 restaurants and bars that allow families the ability to walk to dinner and have some drinks without having to drive. There has never been a load of food and beverage in the vicinity of Stratton unless you drove 25 minutes from the base of Stratton to Manchester. It is very clear that the Stratton base village was needed and has been a success for Stratton.

This Killington development has been needed for 20 years. I think it will be a great addition to the base of Killington.
Those places went derelict over 30 years. But, if Killington is so healthy, and the demand is so high, why are they still shells, and nobody is renovating them or building new hotels and motels? Because winter weekends wont justify it. There's no week long traffic. It flies out west.
The lodging market at Eastern ski areas changed decades ago. Families moved away from lodges that served breakfast and dinner and included shared bathrooms or small hotel rooms that made after skiing and eating difficult to townhouses/condo style units with living rooms and full kitchens. Many people bought townhouses and now use them all year. These same units are mixed into the ski areas' rental pool. The East consists of weekend warriors that want to eat and relax in a larger space after skiing.
You really have to spend more time at Killington than Saturday, which is when most skiers do. Look around at the emptiness. You don't see that in Summit county or SLC or JH or Big Sky or a lot of western hills. That's where the hotel market is. Killington may get them two or three Saturdays a year. You can't run a business on that demand. Don't try to tell me that the summer is busy. Please.
You cannot compare the East to the West. Trying to compare Western ski area that have weekly visitors from non-snow states to Eastern skiers who are local to the ski areas is nonsense.
And that's pretty ridiculous that you think Stowe and other markets have taken Killington's market. Try Sugarbush or even Stowe on a Tuesday. Empty. You should, though. Saturday sucks anywhere. You have a warped view of skiing if you like that.
Killington lost visitors to the family areas (Okemo/Stratton/Mt Snow/Loon/Bretton Woods) due to lack of housing and minimal base area housing.
Killington needs more lodging for visitors. It is that simple.
Yeah, but, the traditional place to eat and go out at Killington access road, not a town twenty minutes away. And that access road will turn into a rotting wasteland on the drive up, just as Rt. 4 has in many spots. Not pretty. It's already showing signs of distress. There's a few empty buildings and open properties on the road that nobody has bothered to develop, even though they are prime pieces of real estate. Why would somebody do that, after what is now nearly a decade of Powdr heavily hinting that they are taking over the show, and screw the local business owner. Even that little complex that used to have a cool diner and whatever that pizza place was (Outback?) with good music is pretty dead, and it's the first building you encounter on the way down from K1. Now it's all doomed.
A lot of locals are pissed because Powdr is supposedly going to eliminate parking for this boondoggle, and actually bus people in from some mall sized lots somewhere. Maybe bulldoze said business for spaces as they drop like flies. Not really sure what the plan is, but that doesn't sound like fun. Goodbye getting there early and parking close so I can change skis quickly. No doubt they'll charge for all that, too.