There are places in the finger lakes and thousand islands where access is by boat only. Some are beautiful places too.I assume (but don't know) there must be a way to get to it, or it wouldn't have been built? There's no town road now, that I can see, and no utilities. You are on the hook for a lot of plowing if you want to use it in winter. Even if you don't want to use it in winter, if you don't plow it, you can't get homeowners insurance.
As Laszlo once said, "Route 28 is in desperate need of more quality lodging properties. If that’s what they want to build, and they’re willing to see it through, let them do it. That’s capitalism."This is probably true, but you might not like the price.
I was there I think 2 (?) seasons ago and probably have some pictures. Probably be hard to find we have to ski to it and check it out.