If you have many dollars and a dream, you can own a piece of Platty

Have you guys seen what my fellow city millennials are paying for places in the Cats these days, places that are absolute garbage? Two sets of my friends bought places that are total gut jobs for much more then this.

Barring access to the street, and proper utilities it's not such a bad deal if you look at it as land and location. Sadly I already have one overpriced house to fix up, can't afford another right now.
I assume (but don't know) there must be a way to get to it, or it wouldn't have been built? There's no town road now, that I can see, and no utilities. You are on the hook for a lot of plowing if you want to use it in winter. Even if you don't want to use it in winter, if you don't plow it, you can't get homeowners insurance.

I'm guessing it would probably be a teardown which mean the building decreases the value of the land. It's steep there and I doubt there is much top soil for septic.

I understand the market is peaking. That seems like a reason NOT to buy now IMO.
I understand the market is peaking. That seems like a reason NOT to buy now IMO.

Yeah I dunno. With growing WFH the Cats are kinda becoming the ex Brooklyn-hipster middle-class Hamptons. The mortgage plus taxes on a $500K house are less then what many of them were paying for their shitty apartments. The Eastern towns have quickly gentrified and it's pushing West.

I'm not so sure it's going back to pre-covid times...
I understand the market is peaking. That seems like a reason NOT to buy now IMO.
My wife and I are struggling with this right now. We're in the market to buy a diff house or put an addition on our current place. A few weeks ago we did find a place that we liked and put an offer in of 30K over asking price......we got out bid by another 30K. Looking more and more like an addition will be the way to go.
I wouldn’t want to be the D-bag who has the first ski in ski out house at Platty. Or the 2nd, 3rd, 4th... etc.
i would not be quick to say this is a teardown. i my experience of bringing house back from the dead, bad foun
My wife and I are struggling with this right now. We're in the market to buy a diff house or put an addition on our current place. A few weeks ago we did find a place that we liked and put an offer in of 30K over asking price......we got out bid by another 30K. Looking more and more like an addition will be the way to go.
bad time to do either. housing market will pull back, it always does. material prices are coming back to earth. as far as skilled labor, that issue needs to be fixed. tough to find quality guys. need to get kids into the trades.
True? I hope.

I would like to understand this thought. ?
U have met me. This can’t be unexpected. Not sure what happened there. Browser issue. I was going to say tear downs are usually caused by bad foundations or roof issues. Hard to see in photos but that foundation wall looks fine and no mold mention in listing. Usually they want waiver signed when mold present.
Why would buying that place and using it make someone a D-bag?
I think slopeside development greatly effects the character of a ski area. Windham and Hunter embrace it. Belleayre and Platty don’t and IMO are much nicer to visit as a result. Being the first would send the proverbial snowball rolling.
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