If you have many dollars and a dream, you can own a piece of Platty

I think slopeside development greatly effects the character of a ski area. Windham and Hunter embrace it. Belleayre and Platty don’t and IMO are much nicer to visit as a result. Being the first would send the proverbial snowball rolling.
It's for sale so someone will buy it. Hopefully they're cool.
I wouldn’t worry too much. Considering how much it would cost to make it livable- much less nice- and the fact that you only get three days a week of skiing- I’d say it’s a long shot. The guy that put that add up is swinging for the fence cause he’s stuck with a worthless asset.
It was my impression that the sewage issue brought the development to a halt and this entire idea is what contributed to the bankruptcy.
These sites are good candidates for composting toilets and or Puraflo peat fiber biofilter systems. When you don’t have the space, don’t want to cut down trees or are in a protected watershed, the Puraflo systems are a good choice. We have several clients that use them with no issues. One of them has a system in the middle of her vegetable garden.
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I think slopeside development greatly effects the character of a ski area. Windham and Hunter embrace it. Belleayre and Platty don’t and IMO are much nicer to visit as a result. Being the first would send the proverbial snowball rolling.
I have to say that I don’t really like skiing through a condo suburb or a McMansion neighborhood. It kind of destroys the experience I’m after.

it would be pretty cool to tear that structure down and naturalize that area.

This shot was taken by @Scottski63 in that neighborhood, this season.
Lots of different lot owners according to the local tax map records.
Only one built on a lot.
Looks like the plans didn’t go as planned.
Wouldn’t be the first for that.

This shot was taken by @Scottski63 in that neighborhood, this season.

FWIW in my experience, these trees on the sunny side are rarely in. This was a combination of consistent snowfall over several days and I think some windloading. There were aspects of the mountain that were nearly blown clean.