ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

That makes sense.

The only 100 amp house I ever lived in, the first thing I did was convert it to 200 amps. So yea I can see how that costs $3500. Hey Zelda needs 60-80 amps just to get ready in the morning. She got her own subpanel. ?

If you are building a new house (me) the additional cost probably won't be too much. Maybe a good chance that your garage is near your panel too.
the additional cost probably won't be too much
What you actually mean is that you won’t notice the extra expense because it will be bundled with all the other costs involved, right? It will still cost whatever it costs.
What you actually mean is that you won’t notice the extra expense because it will be bundled with all the other costs involved, right? It will still cost whatever it costs.
It might be more expensive to upgrade from 100amp to 200amp (vs starting new) due to udgrading related code issues.
What is the diff between standard 240 and an electric charger? I had a 240v put in my old house for an electric kiln it was no where near 3500. Maybe $300 parts and labor. It was close to the panel so the line was short.

Camp is right, the tax strategy will get revised if adoption goes higher.
There are three levels:

L3: highest speed chargers. Really in the range of 150-300kw. This is Tesla's high speed network; there are some other ones like Electrify America and NYS is basically doing one itself. I have posted the map to this. This is some serious, serious juice.

L2: This is the high speed home charger. You need a 200 service (what you converted that home to) and then you need a relatively high amp breaker. The highest speed L2 chargers I know of push out 48Amp current off a 60 Amp breaker and a 200 service. You could do it off a 100 service, but it will cut the current in half. This will charge a lot of EVs overnight. Even the beast battery that is a Rivian 135 kw would about get there. 60 amp breaker EVSE (electic vehicle service equipment, what we call a charger) has to be hard wired for safety under US code. 48 amp breaker can be plug in, so you can take that 'charger' with you from home to home.

L1: Take an outlet, any outlet, and plug that sucker in. The current comes in at a function of the Voltage and amperage to that outlet. This is where you get like 3-5 miles per hour, depending on battery size.
Being so close to Ithaca we sell quite a few Crosstrek Hybrids
Once this thing hits I believe it will be in high demand among the Subie faithful

Any prediction on how long it will be before these are actually available in numbers over 10,000?
L1: Take an outlet, any outlet, and plug that sucker in. The current comes in at a function of the Voltage and amperage to that outlet. This is where you get like 3-5 miles per hour, depending on battery size.
For the intended use of my RAV4 Prime when I'm home, we didn't even bother to get the faster charge option. With a minimum of 40 EV with a full charge, I essentially don't put in any gas for 3-4 weeks. That's assuming I'm actually home for that many weeks in a row without taking a trip out of the Triangle. It's pretty much under 25 miles to get to any of the places I go semi-regularly. I'll push into HV mode when I take the Interstate locally. But a full tank lasts a long time. Most of the local driving for grocery shopping and household errands is under 15 miles roundtrip.

We have a 240 outlet in the garage somewhere.
I get 3-5 miles per hour just walkin, with no battery, just sayin.
And you'll do even better with a bike, or running with a bag.

In my near-in suburb, 90% of places around town walking or biking is quickest. But folks are not a fan of bike lanes so I am a little limited on where I can bike to with the kids.
What you actually mean is that you won’t notice the extra expense because it will be bundled with all the other costs involved, right? It will still cost whatever it costs.
What I actually mean is that putting in charger into a house already has 200 amp service probably won't cost that much. With a new house, you won't even have to fish a line or whatever, so that should make it easier. TBF that was a surmise based on what X and Dom said, and also on my own experience with running a 240 line from my panel in my own garage.

Somebody who knows: How much to put fast charger in a new house?

I still don't understand how the best charger is different from a regular 240. How much will that extra 30% in charge speed cost?

Like anything else you have to be a little nuts to be an early adapter. With this much investment going on now, if it is possible to make it work, I'm betting it will happen.

I wonder if wireless charging is a possibility in the long run.
What I actually mean is that putting in charger into a house already has 200 amp service probably won't cost that much. With a new house, you won't even have to fish a line or whatever, so that should make it easier. TBF that was a surmise based on what X and Dom said, and also on my own experience with running a 240 line from my panel in my own garage.

Somebody who knows: How much to put fast charger in a new house?

I still don't understand how the best charger is different from a regular 240. How much will that extra 30% in charge speed cost?

Like anything else you have to be a little nuts to be an early adapter. With this much investment going on now, if it is possible to make it work, I'm betting it will happen.

I wonder if wireless charging is a possibility in the long run.

If you already have 200 service on a house, in the metro area, you are looking at 1,000-1,500 for a fast charger (L2). It is about 750 for the equipment, and 750 for an electrician to run the wire that can handle the amperage and install the breaker and the outlet. Your utility may have incentives that really reduce the price or make free the price of the fast charger.

You should feel free to just call me sometime it is hard for me to explain in back and forth messages.

With regard to wireless charging, if your car is plugged in most of the chargers have apps where you can control it from your phone.

For L1, slowest, you do nothing. For L3, the super fast, you can't get it on a home.