ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Balance: ICE automakers are shipping fancy cars without functions (like GM shipping Caddy's without lane keeping) due to chip shortages, and trucks without paid-for functions that increase efficiency, again due to supply chain issues.

Tesla just got a reportedly un discounted order for 1/9 of its annual production. It won't be shipping newly ordered Ys until May.

So increased demand, decreased supply, and actually delivering the functionality of the car promised (vs many ICE automakers). That suggests price increases are logical.

The difference here, is there is no rebate system or dealer network that while providing service as you noted, obscures true pricing. I don't have numbers, but anyone I talk to who is buying new is paying thousands over MSRP. This is a 2,000 price increase on a 3 or a Y.

I don't like price increases, but they are endemic to the Covid/supply chain ridden economy.
Balance: ICE automakers are shipping fancy cars without functions (like GM shipping Caddy's without lane keeping) due to chip shortages, and trucks without paid-for functions that increase efficiency, again due to supply chain issues.
We've gotten along for years and years without that crap. I turn it off on every truck I drive.
but anyone I talk to who is buying new is paying thousands over MSRP
Depends on your market and your dealer. In our market, and with our owner, nobody pays more than MSRP. It' doesn't sit well with him and in our small piece of the world our customers wouldn't stand for it.
We've gotten along for years and years without that crap. I turn it off on every truck I drive.
You're right. If I ever get a vehicle that has it, I will gladly use it on the long stretches to Gore. That is pretty much the only reason it interests me. It is not practical for day to day driving (and except for Summer and Winter, I can go weeks without driving by walking, biking, training, or asking my wife to drive on the few weekend trips we take).
We've gotten along for years and years without that crap. I turn it off on every truck I drive.
My Mazda has all that stuff
The incessant beeping was driving me crazy I shut the system off
You're right. If I ever get a vehicle that has it, I will gladly use it on the long stretches to Gore. That is pretty much the only reason it interests me. It is not practical for day to day driving (and except for Summer and Winter, I can go weeks without driving by walking, biking, training, or asking my wife to drive on the few weekend trips we take).
I feel it creates lazy drivers, having less and less people pay attention to the road isn't a good thing. I was driving down RT 81 the other day and noticed this dude in a Tesla eating some kind of noodle bowl while his car was driving itself. Screw that! Talk about an accident waiting to happen.
I feel it creates lazy drivers, having less and less people pay attention to the road isn't a good thing. I was driving down RT 81 the other day and noticed this dude in a Tesla eating some kind of noodle bowl while his car was driving itself. Screw that! Talk about an accident waiting to happen.
I’m sure the number of accidents due to people eating food is very high. Not to mention cellphones and texting. If the car drives itself it will probably be safer. You can get a ticket for eating a sandwich. I know someone who got one.