ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Guys/Girls - since the IPO filing came out, I have been concerned that Rivian got Bezos'd (if that is a word): lots of cash for Rivian, lots of leverage for Amazon.

Here is a well-known Youtuber's take that is largely consistent with that. The business incentive to me is that Rivian prioritizes the vans over the T/S consumer line. To be fair, I think the supply chain snafu and launch challenges played into this:

Guys/Girls - since the IPO filing came out, I have been concerned that Rivian got Bezos'd (if that is a word): lots of cash for Rivian, lots of leverage for Amazon.
Lots of Mom’s & Pop’s stores got Bezos’d too buy The Zon.
He just must need mo money.
They better get this figured out or they won't last.
I definitely think they should fix these quality issues. But, from a supply and demand perspective, they don't have to fix them to thrive in the short to medium term. Tesla is the 7th largest weight in the S&P (which is based on market cap) - after google and before Nvidia.

Long DomB detail:

While I believe the market would have punished a traditional automaker with these issues, it clearly is not punishing tesla. My guess why: there really is no competitor to tesla. If you want an ICE with range and performance, you sign onto noise, panel gaps, bad paint jobs:.

I am not saying it is ok, or even that I would, but that is what the market is saying.

I am 41 and I will do my best to never buy a combustion vehicle again. If it continues to be the case that I can't get an electric, I will go Marcnc's route and go hybrid.

Whether i am right or wrong, based on my own analysis, I believe the environmental impact of ICE at this time is far superior to a combustion over time and over life. Battery issues are real, but are being solved (and some would say solved now with second use designs).
I definitely think they should fix these quality issues. But, from a supply and demand perspective, they don't have to fix them to thrive in the short to medium term. Tesla is the 7th largest weight in the S&P (which is based on market cap) - after google and before Nvidia.

Long DomB detail:

While I believe the market would have punished a traditional automaker with these issues, it clearly is not punishing tesla. My guess why: there really is no competitor to tesla. If you want an ICE with range and performance, you sign onto noise, panel gaps, bad paint jobs:.

I am not saying it is ok, or even that I would, but that is what the market is saying.

I am 41 and I will do my best to never buy a combustion vehicle again. If it continues to be the case that I can't get an electric, I will go Marcnc's route and go hybrid.

Whether i am right or wrong, based on my own analysis, I believe the environmental impact of ICE at this time is far superior to a combustion over time and over life. Battery issues are real, but are being solved (and some would say solved now with second use designs).
I understand your position and point. That said, as a car guy who's seen this very sub-par fit and finish first hand, there's zero chance I'd settle for that. They have a long way to go before I'd even give them a nod, personally
Fit and finish is part of quality, Tesla ain't that.
I won't buy crap just because it's the new "in" thing to do.

I'm guessing that EV technology, reliability, and quality will not be sufficiently developed to inspire me to buy an EV before I'm dead. More likely I will be forced to buy one because ICE vehicles will be outlawed.
I won't buy crap just because it's the new "in" thing to do.

I'm guessing that EV technology, reliability, and quality will not be sufficiently developed to inspire me to buy an EV before I'm dead. More likely I will be forced to buy one because ICE vehicles will be outlawed.
No way will ICE be outlawed. Maybe in a 100 years, maybe.
Frankly Tesla should be embarrassed by this. Maybe they borrowed QC from Yugo