ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Yeah but imagine how many more they would sell to people hanging around for half an hour, waiting for enough charge to get home.
If parking is tight they are not going to waste spaces on charging sites. The name of the game is get people in and out. If potential customers do not see a place to park, they will not pull in to the lot.
I don’t really see them going in at fuel stops. Maybe a few where the air compressor and vacuums are. I see them going in at shopping centers and municipal lots. Genesis has wireless charging now. Lucid Air charges at 20 miles per minute. New developments are happening very quickly. All of this charging and range anxiety will be a non issue very soon. Autonomous VTOL vehicles will be here before you know it.
It will be interesting to see how fuel taxes will be collected from EVs. Currently it looks like they aren’t subject to any transportation taxes. When I ran waste veggie oil in my Greasecar, by law, I was supposed to report my mileage and pay accordingly. That never happened. My understanding was that it is required but there was no mechanism in place to collect, let alone enforce. I assume it would be paid voluntarily through NYS Use tax, which no one does. Until we take to the air, someone’s got to pay for all of these roads. Would rather not see tolls everywhere. I’m sure Uncle Sam will be happy to plug into your car and see how far you’ve gone.
Yeah but imagine how many more they would sell to people hanging around for half an hour, waiting for enough charge to get home.
If parking is tight they are not going to waste spaces on charging sites. The name of the game is get people in and out. If potential customers do not see a place to park, they will not pull in to the lot.
Telsa has partnered with Sheetz and Stewarts for their proprietary charging stations. At the larger Sheetz stations I've seen in VA or PA, there are 8 chargers. Four are marked for 10-min use only. The other 4 can be used for the 30-min full charge time. Presumably those people are more likely to stop inside and spend a little money while they wait. Can't remember how many stations are at the Stewarts off the Northway at Exit 25, either two or four. Met up with my NC friend there when we drove two cars to Lake Placid in June 2020.

The Tesla chargers in Lake Placid are in the parking lot of the shopping center that has Price Chopper. I didn't get close enough to see how many or if they have any marked as 10-min.
Yeah but imagine how many more they would sell to people hanging around for half an hour, waiting for enough charge to get home.
Big truck stops have lots of different stuff for sale to the truckers when they hang around waitin, just saying.
The plug-in charges em up enough until they get home, allegedly.