ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Take away government rebates, let the “free market” allow consumers to choose and see where EV's land...There’s places for em. Artificial BS doesn’t usually work in the long run.
A friend told me today his son, who works for an EV company, just bought a horse...I gave the kid a thumbs up.
As long as you take away the US government subsidies to the petroleum industry I'm good with that.
Hardly seems fair
Yes. This really sounds snarky, and I apologize because I like and respect you and am not trying to be snarky, but:

1. There are a good deal of subsidies for fossil fuels in the US.

2. Life is not fair.

3. I am personally starting to come to the conclusion that they should start reducing electric subsidies (and they actually are starting to). Honestly I feel that way because of the negative press it is getting, and annoying people from a PR perspective.
Please explain
Our government subsides everything.
I won't go into it anymore than that.

I feel there should be support for whatever mode of transportation one chooses. Again, I give massive creds to our early EV adapters. I'd never do it, don't ever plan on doing it, so these guys have way bigger brix than I do. 👍🏼🍻✌🏿
When people say we subsidize oil, what are they referring to? I don’t think the government pays for drilling or exploration directly right? Is it just that public lands are leased at supposedly below market rates? Is there some kind of subsidized insurance rates? Import duties on foreign producers? Im genuinely asking.
When people say we subsidize oil, what are they referring to? I don’t think the government pays for drilling or exploration directly right? Is it just that public lands are leased at supposedly below market rates? Is there some kind of subsidized insurance rates? Import duties on foreign producers? Im genuinely asking.
Somewhat recently, before the USA was "energy independent", "Middle East BS”, folks bitched about spending, big defense dept $ & military folks, to keep the big ass tankers running back to NA and elsewhere wherever the oil companies could push it.

Later on, smaller companies in western PA figured out horizontal drilling+fracking & now we have lots of EZ natural gas & oil.

Energy is entropy related. Use less & don’t get any on ya.