ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

My neighbor has a 59 Corvette. No one cares about the panel gaps. Same with Teslas.
There are other issues with EVs, like self driving and whether it’s a good idea to have 8000 lbs boxes that can do 0 to 60 in 3 seconds on the public roads. Also Elon Musk blowing up the dealer business model, but build quality problems will be resolved pretty easily.

Somewhat interesting for Rivian followers.

Most interesting takeaway for me is that a big supply constrain is their motors (quad comes from Bosch) but they are moving to their in-house (dual) to help with supply chain.

R2 will be cheaper.

PS I was in a Stamford CT parking lot for work yesterday and saw two other Rivians (both Ts).

TJ - what's your status?

I got the call from the guide to confirm my configuration. I changed it and added some stuff. I got put back in line with no ETA but I believe it will be within the next month or so. My original guide flew the coup. They are very vague when you speak with them. I asked them to ship the charger so I can get it installed. They will not. It's a waiting game.
It sounds like you may not believe it is green
You are correct -- lol
Time will tell
Honestly I don't mean to sound harsh or down on EVs. None if my angst towards EVs is directed to anyone here as I wish you guys all the best of luck with them.
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EV's will become what TV's are to us.. Zero brand loyalty , they all do the same thing. When it dies ya get a new one..
You think so? I dunno, bro. The auto industry, and it's fanatics, are a different animal, imo. The hard part is guessing which one it will be. I think there will be one. The big question is how do you maintain a battery for that long. I'm guessing that they'll give out over time? They may not even be worth keeping if that's the case.