ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

And this - it seems like they haven't gotten the all purpose mode regen in a good spot for downhill in snow. However, apparently 'Sand mode' works really well in that situation. Makes sense as that mode cuts regen braking, and that seems to be the culprit.

Snow driving discussion
And this - it seems like they haven't gotten the all purpose mode regen in a good spot for downhill in snow. However, apparently 'Sand mode' works really well in that situation. Makes sense as that mode cuts regen braking, and that seems to be the culprit.

Snow driving discussion
Now that you say that, I seem to remember the Out Of Spec guy making a comment related to driving on snow during an early video about the R1T. Don't remember the details.
Now that you say that, I seem to remember the Out Of Spec guy making a comment related to driving on snow during an early video about the R1T. Don't remember the details.
Correct - it seemed like a similar issue - the regen braking causes skid.

Someone took a suv and truck out on 22 and 20 (20 is the AT). It seems clear a software fix could address. Have not reviewed but video worth checking out. 20 better.

Correct - it seemed like a similar issue - the regen braking causes skid.
Engineers can’t figure out anti-lock-regen braking?
We’ve placed robots on Mars recently and folks on the moon over 50 years ago for crying out loud.
I go to Rivianforums and occaisionally hit 'what's new'. With onset of winter conditions, these things are popping up:

Don't get me wrong, still a big fan.
Ha ha, @DomB giving NYSkiBlog a shoutout in the Rivian forums. Nice!
Love my electric utility Club Car and ebike.

The technology is definitely there to make affordable electric vehicles for most peoples needs. The reason why it hasn’t taken off yet has to do with safety laws and cultural acceptance. The micro-mobility sector is about to explode.
Seems this model may explode.