ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

The EV market will always be small due to price.
For the life of me I don't understand why our government, can't/won't, support both EV and ICE vehicles.
The EV market will always be small due to price.
For the life of me I don't understand why our government, can't/won't, support both EV and ICE vehicles.
Saying the EV market will always be small is akin to saying technology ceases to evolve. The CD player was $800 in 1982, now if you can buy one for $20. Memory was $200/mb in 1990 and now it's $20 for 20GB.
They’re depending on conspicuous consumption to sell lower quality vehicles to rich people. If the technology was there to build a practical EV that normal people could afford, somebody would do it.
That's a marketing strategy. If you make something rich people want, everyone will want it. If you made something for ordinary people looking to save money, lots of people would buy it but it would overwhelm the limited charging infrastructure that now exists and people would still be hoping to trade up for an Escalade. That doesn't get you to the goal of eliminating gas cars.

For the life of me I don't understand why our government, can't/won't, support both EV and ICE vehicles.
The government has always supported ICE cars and still does. Fish don't notice the water. In any event, the goal is to eliminate fossil fuel from transportation, so supporting ICE is counterproductive.

If the technology was there to build a practical EV that normal people could afford, somebody would do it.
That’s why electric golf carts are popular and better than gas ones.
And folks seem to like their ebikes vs their old peddle pushers.
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I frankly do NOT get Rivian at all for the price point .
When you put 50k miles on your car and look at the total cost of ownership things start to make more sense. I can buy a 90k vehicle and pay the same over 5 years as 50k gas car. In addition I have a truck rather than a sedan. no longer have to pump gas. Not to mention I'll blow the doors off of every muscle car out there. I'll never do it but knowing you can is the point. Oh and I'm saving the environment. Lol I could give two shots about that myself to be honest. That said my environmental foot print is greener than most.
The depreciation of the highline market is staggering.

In the past, every time I traded in my CRV at 100k I got $10k for them. Is there a list of cars by depreciation and resale? Probably wouldn't change what I buy, but I am curious.

I would bet that EVs that are close to the end of the battery warrantee would drop a lot.