ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

I saw a Rivian S parked in Westchester. It was blah- zero curb appeal. I understand why they’re pushing the trucks- from a marketing perspective
I frankly do NOT get Rivian at all for the price point .
They’re depending on conspicuous consumption to sell lower quality vehicles to rich people. If the technology was there to build a practical EV that normal people could afford, somebody would do it.
I frankly do NOT get Rivian at all for the price point .

Early adapters are not all about money. People have all kinds of reasons for buying things. Is a muscle car really worth it? Yes, to the person who buys it. It's why they buy it. It's worth it to them, for whatever reason.
You may be right. Just saying this is not an isolated example of people buying stuff for reasons other people don't understand.

By some measures (like getting from point a to point b) the cheapest reliable car out there is 90% as good as a lexus or whatever.