ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Not positive- at least Washington, Mass and New York I believe. I’m sure NJ isn’t far behind. They always copy NY.
Went hunting for relevant articles. The Smithsonian article mentions Virginia, Rhode Island, Oregon, and Maryland in addition to the other states already mentioned in this thread.

October 2020

December 2020

September 2021

July 2022

August 26, 2022

September 1, 2022
You need to keep politices out of your personal life, but like it or not, the government is involved in every aspect of the economy. Contract law, insurance rules, intellectual property, housing and zoning, environmental protection, safe water and food supply, safe medicine, labor rules, education, weather forecasting and everything else. If you believe that private sector or "the market" can do those things better, privide actual examples of where that has happened. Otherwise, you're just following your ideology instead of looking at actual facts. Running government by ideology is the equivalent of doing astronomy by religious beliefs. It works for a while but eventually you will be proven wrong.
If you don't trust politics, that's all the more reason to pay attention and get involved.

No thanks
Went hunting for relevant articles. The Smithsonian article mentions Virginia, Rhode Island, Oregon, and Maryland in addition to the other states already mentioned in this thread.
It’s The Daily Mail and yer mileage may vary but it’s from the 2nd.
Rivian SUV
Yesterday on the west side hwy


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