ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

One concern for all of us should be repairs.
That’s a predictable transition problem and it’s only an issue for early adapters.
Someday your grandchildren will wonder why we stuck with RICE so long and how we ever tolerated so much dangerous gasoline around our homes.

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Without deadlines nothing happens. The whole EV conversion will never happen if the government policies do not support it because it is driven by a political consensus about climate change, not by market forces. “The market” has never produced environmental improvements without government mandates. The market hasn’t built much infrastructure without government support either.

Understand, and valid.
I'm still not convinced that a EV conversion will happen, and if it does that it will be better for the environment. I don't trust politics.
That’s a predictable transition problem and it’s only an issue for early adapters.
Someday your grandchildren will wonder why we stuck with RICE so long and how we ever tolerated so much dangerous gasoline around our homes.

If I ever have grandchildren gasoline will be the least of my problems
I don’t blame you. Conversely we could calm down, repeal the 2035 mandates and just continue to improve our ICE vehicles (which are already way better than they used to be) until we have a better handle on things.
Or ban cars altogether until we have a better handle on things.
i have 6 of these on my deck. They're at least 5 yrs old, still work perfectly, and I've never touched them.
We need EVs like this so any mortal can buy one. That's when I'll be
We need other countries to get up to speed.
Don't expect India and China to accept that they should reduce emissions (and their standard of living) below what we do in the US. Yurp is already ahead of us. the US is the only advanced country that has been in denial about global warning, which is ironic because NASA has known about it for 40 years.

I don't trust politics.
You need to keep politices out of your personal life, but like it or not, the government is involved in every aspect of the economy. Contract law, insurance rules, intellectual property, housing and zoning, environmental protection, safe water and food supply, safe medicine, labor rules, education, weather forecasting and everything else. If you believe that private sector or "the market" can do those things better, privide actual examples of where that has happened. Otherwise, you're just following your ideology instead of looking at actual facts. Running government by ideology is the equivalent of doing astronomy by religious beliefs. It works for a while but eventually you will be proven wrong.
If you don't trust politics, that's all the more reason to pay attention and get involved.
