ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Good gawd
Bringing the drama
It’s my natural pessimism about everything. But I’ve lived in Upstate NY for over 50 years now, and the change in the weather is frightening. Milder winters may be a good change for some, but what happens when everyone from Texas and Arizona move here? Or when all of Africa moves to Yurp?

It’s my natural pessimism about everything.
I believe you
. But I’ve lived in Upstate NY for over 50 years now, and the change in the weather is frightening.
Same. I'm not scared.
Milder winters may be a good change for some, but what happens when everyone from Texas and Arizona move here?
Lower taxes? Less rundown looking shithole houses and businesses?
Or when all of Africa moves to Yurp?
Never been there so I haven't a clue.
Our Prius batteries are now 10 years old. Do you start to see a drop off, of does the whole thing just $hit the bed one day?

A few years ago I asked my guy Al how much to replace all the Prius batteries. He told me it fluctuated A LOT, could be $1000 or could be more than $3000. So I could see how that price for a full EV could be pretty high.
Long story but this just happened,

So, my wife just drove down to Washington for a four day business trip. On the second morning she feels sick, tests positive for Covid and decides to come home. She picked up our Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV and the valet had apparently smashed the passenger side rear view mirror in some sort of accident. It’s now taped on. She gets on the road and somewhere in Maryland stopped for gas and food. She decided to use the supercharger to charge the battery too. Well, the car wouldn’t go in drive after that. There was some sort of EV code on the dash and she was stuck. She called the dealership where we bought the car and when they didn’t answer, she left a message. I’m up in the Catskills goofing off with barely any reception so I’m useless. She gets in touch with the local dealer down there and they say they have to tow the car because they can’t clear the code wirelessly. She waited so long for the tow that the dealership closed and couldn’t do it until the next day. She had to get Lyft to a hotel and spend the night which luckily her company paid for. The next day the cars all set and they did an oil change too since that was also needed. $200 later, she starts driving down the highway and calls me saying she’s dragging something but doesn’t think it’s serious. She gets home and I look under the car and the dust cover skid plate thingy
That sucks, man. Does the $200 include the hotel or is that what you paid the dealership to rip apart your skid plate?
Our Prius batteries are now 10 years old. Do you start to see a drop off, of does the whole thing just $hit the bed one day?

A few years ago I asked my guy Al how much to replace all the Prius batteries. He told me it fluctuated A LOT, could be $1000 or could be more than $3000. So I could see how that price for a full EV could be pretty high.
Old information but still relevant
Our Prius batteries are now 10 years old. Do you start to see a drop off, of does the whole thing just $hit the bed one day?
I truly don't know this for certain but I would guess they just go all at once.
One of my issues with EV's is they're currently being made to be disposable. Once the batteries go they have to be replaced. Where as mechanical, if parts are available, can be repaired.
I believe EVs will get much better given enough time. They're so many hurdles to get over, it's going to take time. Unfortunately some are putting timelines on it which will do nothing other than screw things all up.