ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

2nd Rivian up for auction at bringatrailer.
Should be interesting.
Ah, the owner realized that if the goal is towing an RV for long distance trips, then the R1T is not the best vehicle.

This man has the same issue in Southern California. Ended up with two new trucks and has to decide which to keep.

The real Killgore - commanded an Air Cav brigade and used Civil War iconography among the troops and helecopters (like the crossed swords).
Very cool
My buddy just retired
He’s Apache pilot.
But has a engineering degree from wp and mit
Works in missile defense
Won’t tell more then that.
Separately I finally have some kind of conflict to disclose to be fair - yesterday I purchased my first individual stock ever, not a significant amount in context. So now instead of being a fanboy, I am vested in their success.

I plan never to sell unless it goes up 10x (which I put at a 15% chance, along with a 15% chance of going to 0).
Ford appears they may be selling some of their shares in Rivian.
Like we've talked be4, even if you feel you'll be saving with an EV the government will take care of that.

As a higher number of EV's hit the roads, the states will have to find a way to make up for the lost gas tax revenue for maintaining roads and bridges. Some have suggested a fee per mile driven per year. That seems pretty fair. People who use the the roads the most pay the most. I don't know if that's the best way to do this but in any case, it is inevitable that EV's pay a fee towards mainting the roads and bridges.
What do you and others suggest?
As a higher number of EV's hit the roads, the states will have to find a way to make up for the lost gas tax revenue for maintaining roads and bridges. Some have suggested a fee per mile driven per year. That seems pretty fair. People who use the the roads the most pay the most. I don't know if that's the best way to do this but in any case, it is inevitable that EV's pay a fee towards mainting the roads and bridges.
What do you and others suggest?
Tax rich people & giant corporations (the ones with all the money) instead.