Hunter Conditions

WTF Jason. I agree, it is a cliche.

The season feels like it is running out. Hunter looked like March 15 not Feb. I was looking for blue bumps and someone to ski with. Belle had some on the upper section of three trails (technically black).

If Belleayre Run was t2b I would have been there no doubt.

Hunter wasn't really crowded per se, we never waited more than 5 minutes for a lift.
Just Brutal. I cannot remember a Feb were racers looks like that mess.
A mess? It's a trail with incomplete snowmaking.

I was told they had some kind of plumbing failure on Racers. It must have been recent, because they blew on it in the last 10 days.
A mess? It's a trail with incomplete snowmaking.

I was told they had some kind of plumbing failure on Racers. It must have been recent, because they blew on it in the last 10 days.
It is Feb 13. That should have had its snowmaking base done months ago.
It reflects a difference in goals for new vs previous management. Not a reflection on ops or the trail. It's a hillside with grass on it.

If you want to say Vail's objectives are a mess, go for it. When you don't (personally) own the mountain and you are compensated on stock price, this is the inevitable result. Vail has a different understanding of the idea of a brand. IMO the epic brand means low cost per day for lift tickets, and the unbundling of costs. Based on the numbers so far, much of the skiing public approves.

I'd thought Racer's was open at one point this season but don't know for sure. Anyone?
It’s a big middle finger, is what it is.