Hunter Conditions

why should an epic pass holder go to a non epic resort and spend more money? The epic pass deal was for an epic experience at their resorts. I would expect snowmaking and working lifts , or at least information as to why a lift is not running if it's broken, and a timeline to fix it.
Have ya read the F Vail thread?
Listed as updated today in the Journal

If folks don’t get can't they want sometimes they get what they need.

And I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a fifty-amp fuse"

I am not a Vail sycophant, I just want to know the truth and not the rumors, why aren't they blowing and completing Racers or Twilight? or even Gateway for beginners? They did blow last night on GunHill adding another blue, which is needed. Comparing the stats to Windham doesn't mean much as a good portion of East Hunter. isn't covered by snow blowing so that throws the statistics off, I guess we will see if the Zephyr goes up after the storm, come on Vail, you got the money, pay some snowmakers, tough job.
Thursday hardpack Friday better but cold, they were blowing on Clair’s and Wayout big time, a Ski Patroller said they were trying to get the West Side open by Sunday
Thought Friday was excellent. Racers opened without grooming which made it pretty challenging and fun. I'll be very impressed if they get Clairs open by Sunday. Pretty sure all of Hunter east has snow making.
i Don’t think the upper blues do have snow making, they were only opened a few weeks last year which was a good snow year. I agree that Friday was pretty sweet , a bluebird cold one ,
The Ski Patrol told me Friday that they were trying to use the Zephyr by Sunday, first it was on hold now it's down so they didn't make it, front side is well covered except for lower K27 , even the parks open, North Side needs Twilight but is otherwise good. Why the zephyr is still down is anyone's guess , so start the rumors.
I rode HUNTAH today and am ready to talk shit :devilish:.

Background, first time back to HUNTAH in two years with my dad who hasn't skied in two years whom I have not skied with in two years. Were it not for these reasons, and his ignorance to buy an Epic 5-day (for the same reasons) I would have not opted to go to HUNTAH. But alas it was a Wednesday and a great opportunity for the two of us to be out on the hill together. 11 degrees rolling in according to the car thermometer, blue sky, light crowds, all good, 3 degrees according to the whiteboard at the top of the lift. First run we hit Heuga cause I always hit Heuga first run when at HUNTAH, it was fine but much firmer than what I've been spoiled by on recent trips to the Belle. Back down at the lift line my dad made a comment about "the HUNTAH bombers" no comment. Second run was East-Side Drive, holy surfacing nightmare... I don't know who was driving the groomer the night before but that shit was uneasy. This was the theme of the day on every trail except for Cliff, Eisenhower, Gunhill Road & Kennedy Drive. There were sections where exposed cat tracked snow hadn't been smoothed to cord, weird curbs and ledges and all kinds of other weird shit going on with the surfacing and all of it was frozen SOLID. We pretty much kept it to Cliff to Eisenhower for the rest of the day and that kept us happy, I will admit it was nice to ride something properly steep for a change :LOL:.


This guy was winning, RHD too!
On Thur, they were snowmaking on Twilight, looks like the North won't be a one trial hill.