Hunter Conditions

Hunter got more than anticipated late Thursday into Friday morning. Because many schools to the
east had been closed for the storm and staff shortages it got really crowded for a Friday. They seemed to have groomed early Thursday night as the cover firmed up significantly, then about 4 to five inches of light fresh on top , this made for an uneven surface, the powder quickly went to soft moguls with hard pack in between.
Vail was blowing light crazy and the first whales of the season appeared, but also caused some pretty scary stuff on Overlook, I am afraid
the weekend will be crazy with pent up demand.
1/12/22 Hunter Status Report - 49% of the terrain is open and 0% of Hunter West. Hunter north - 2 out of 6 trails. Still closed - Lower K27, Upper Crossover, Racers Edge.
As a point of comparison - Windham has 210 acres open out 285 acres or 74%.
Lots of rumors that Hunter West will not open this year.
I have no memory of Hunter West not opening (going back to the early 1970s).
1/12/22 Hunter Status Report - 49% of the terrain is open and 0% of Hunter West. Hunter north - 2 out of 6 trails. Still closed - Lower K27, Upper Crossover, Racers Edge.
As a point of comparison - Windham has 210 acres open out 285 acres or 74%.
Lots of rumors that Hunter West will not open this year.
I have no memory of Hunter West not opening (going back to the early 1970s).
they were making snow on racers and ikes i imagine that will be any day..
no cams on the westside, that would be crazy if it never opened
1/12/22 Hunter Status Report - 49% of the terrain is open and 0% of Hunter West. Hunter north - 2 out of 6 trails. Still closed - Lower K27, Upper Crossover, Racers Edge.
As a point of comparison - Windham has 210 acres open out 285 acres or 74%.
Lots of rumors that Hunter West will not open this year.
I have no memory of Hunter West not opening (going back to the early 1970s).
Wow. That is something
I really don't get it. Annapurna has been open for a handful of days each of the past 5 years, and I'm not sure that West Way was ever "officially"--certainly not from the top--in that time. These are two of the best trails on the mountain. With the width of West Way and that high speed quad, they could really spread out the crowds. Sad to see the best area of the mountain go to waste. Also, F the North side.
IMHO if Vail really really wanted to make Hunter a special place more than just a weekend drive for Jersey, the City and Long Island it should cut a decent path down West Way which is starting to have small trees overgrow it, install reliable snowmaking on West Way and Annapura and use it. You may need some fencing or contouring on West Way but once it's done it's done and the lift is already there. This would make Hunter an incredible mountain and the rival to many Vermont places. Anyone with a vision could see this and it would pay back the cost quickly, It is such a waste having a full detachable lift just servicing Clairs [when you can get it opened] and Way-out ,which always feels like a connector trail even if it is a decent run. It's like operating an airport with half to the runways closed. This would relieve the pressure on the front lifts and trails and be a great adjunct to the North Side, You'd catch a lot of skiers who normally would drive to Vermont or Gore and Whiteface. Live up to that "Vision" that Vail likes to brag about.
you may be right, don't know but even from a selfish perspective this would be a win for Vail, once the trails are contoured on WestWay and real snowmaking installed , there and Annapura, they'd have almost a resort of a mountain [ok I hear the scoffing] but it sure would be more profitable, I have spoken to many skiers who will take the extra two hours to get to Gore/Whiteface or Vermont for the extra terrain and lack of crowds, if the West side was really developed they would poach a fair amount of these skiers without overloading the rest of the mountain. If the detachable lift wasn't already in place I could see not investing , but as it is the West Side of Hunter is a wasted asset, depended on a very inconsistent snow pattern. Any smart corporation knows that wasting an asset is poor business.
I have been skiing at hunter since 78
Not much on the west side has changed
Aside from the lift