Greek Peak Conditions

Heck, I didn't even know where Conklin was located until I googled it.
Closer to Elk then Greek by 15 minutes. That’s why I used to get night pass at Elk then they stopped with night skiing. Wish they’d bring it back, ski Elk all week and pay at Greek on weekends. The drive to Greek gets old, you see no cops on way to Elk and it’s a gauntlet of cops to drive to Greek.
Conklin is suburb of Binghamton, downtown Binghamton is 3 miles from my childhood home. I'm glad Conklin never became as developed as Vestal, probably because it's on the East side. The area I grew up, where Johnson Outdoor is located, is rather dumpy. It was a great place to grow up. The Susquehanna is 13 ft deep there, very shallow most everywhere else. We had a camp and a cabin on the railroad property, skeleton crew there at the time. The old Julius Rogers school was where we played ball. Alot of good athletes came out of the area.
I'm grateful I got to work at the two world famous businesses in my neighborhood. I worked in the Eureka factory outlet store,
Got some good deals on tents and backpacking-camping stuff at their factory outlet sales awhile back.
A small back pack tent and a bigass tent we threw footballs and played cards in were my best deals.
Still have em but the big one needs a pole.
Closer to Elk then Greek by 15 minutes. That’s why I used to get night pass at Elk then they stopped with night skiing. Wish they’d bring it back, ski Elk all week and pay at Greek on weekends. The drive to Greek gets old, you see no cops on way to Elk and it’s a gauntlet of cops to drive to Greek.
I have a radar detector, but they usually set up camp in the same places, every once in awhile they'll surprise you and be somewhere they usually aren't. Yep, rarely see a cop on the way to Elk.
Got some good deals on tents and backpacking-camping stuff at their factory outlet sales awhile back.
A small back pack tent and a bigass tent we threw footballs and played cards in were my best deals.
Still have em but the big one needs a pole.
My dad bought a 9x12 cabin tent from them in the 60's. It was a pita to set up, ridge pole and lots of guy lines. A bear ripped a hole in the front of it in Yellowstone while we were in it. I was only 3½, but I remember sleeping in the car with my mom after. He had Eureka patch the hole. We still have the tent. If the store were still open, I'm sure you could get a replacement pole, probably still can. The store was a shadow of what it was when I worked there, 1980-1981. It was a great place to pick up Bungie cord, Velcro, nylon, and canvas. They sold it in bulk in the store.

I was setting up tents for a photo shoot at various parks in the area. The photography asked if I wanted to be in an ad. I got clothes to wear out of the store, and signed a release form. A few months later I'm leafing through Rolling Stone magazine, there I am, about a quarter inch tall, coming up out of the background with a backpack on. I thought it was pretty cool.
I picked up the little tent in late 70s. The other a few years later when I came back from Ole Miss.
Bigger one was a big cabin tent second (<$100) but there was nothing wrong with it till the poles were abused.
The pointed parts in the tapered aluminum pointed poles ya poke thru the upper cross pipe fatigued.

Ya got me thinking.
I could go with a couple of these and something to make the crossbeam holes smaller.
Eureka adjustable pole
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Timberline, it is genius design for a self standing backpacking tent. Whoever came up with it's design, did a great job. I worked right next to their RD department. It was right when cafe style Japanese motorcycles came out. I half jokingly said they should design a line of soft luggage for them, buy a bike, and let me do testing on the bags. At 20 years old, it would've been a dream job.

I rode my 1981 650 Yamaha Maxim to Daytona Beach decked out in gear from Eureka. I had two Northface down bags that zipped together, Coleman Peak 1 backpacking stove, and lantern. A Camp trails, also a Johnson Wax company, internal frame backpack that seemed like it was made for my bike. All the straps were removable, had two large detachable side pockets. Strapped that sucker to my sissy bar with Paracord. Kept all small items in the side pockets. When I stopped to camp, removed the side pockets, put them in the table, all piddly little shit I needed to get at was right there. I borrowed a Timberline 4 tent with netting in place of the breathable roof. You could sleep under the stars protected from bugs with the fly off. Had doors on both ends too, a handy feature.
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Greek skied pretty good this morning, firm and fast, and damn it God why!? Flat light. Big squall right on time 10:45, got 2 warnings on my phone. I wouldn't want to be driving in it, but skiing it wasn't too bad, it was slow and sticky.